>>snao(sez).start PSA: Make sure you don't drink only distilled water in the heat. You need you replenish your electrolytes, too. So make sure you eat something or drink some kind of sported drink, or GRO+.
Anyway, this was super impulsive and it took way longer than I anticipated it would.. due mostly to heat stress. I used to be able to cope better with the heat many years ago, but not anymore. //I hear you, fam. //But ANYWAY.. I hope you do enjoy this coomtastic, condom-bursting update. :)
And thank you so much to everyone who stuck around through the hyperspace warp through the monthly turnover! I appreciate ya! >>snao(sez).no(more)
Also, not that it matters - but that. fucking. suit. man. The elasticity of that thing! I swear, that some kind of shite only magitek could possibly produce, for the sake of St. Phuck...