Posted on 27 August 2023, 01:57 by:
Limerance Score
Base +6, squidbuddy -6, imperialsmile -6, Therid -6, Nexter1 -7, DiscoZergling -6, xlolsy -6, captbob -6, animeiscool123 +7, belmak +8, veehs +6, Dark Luster -7, supah999 -6, and 84 more...
Base +6, Nexter1 +7, chimamire +6, belmak -8, veehs -6, Aristoplato -7, dahlback -6, LordVlad +6, Zerassi +6, BrockenBrain +6, albertzeb -6, imperialsmile -6, angrytaco -6, and 16 more...
Posted on 27 August 2023, 03:27 by:
32131414 Score
Base +7, BrockenBrain -6, albertzeb -6, LuluLenon -2, Expannah -5, Narusakashi -6, Haken Browning -6, crugh2112 +8, AMKWTF -13, Ulfhedinn -6, Mackila -6, yumyumpollo -7, MistaLOD -7, and 5 more...
Posted on 27 August 2023, 03:51 by:
Zorlock Score
Base +6, Aristoplato -7, dahlback -6, LordVlad +6, Zerassi +6, BrockenBrain +6, albertzeb -6, CakePlease +6, angrytaco -6, magicalstring -6, Expannah +5, AMKWTF +13, Yevrey +5, and 9 more...
Base +5, albertzeb -6, CakePlease +6, Expannah +5, Narusakashi +6, AMKWTF +13, dabrhe +6, yumyumpollo +7
Base +6, Narusakashi +6, AMKWTF +13, Mackila +6, yumyumpollo +7
Last edited on 27 August 2023, 11:42.
Base +6, whatzah20 +6, magicalstring -6, Narusakashi +6, AMKWTF +13, Mackila +6, yumyumpollo +7, xxxsonic +6
Base +6, Expannah +5, Narusakashi +6, AMKWTF +13, Mackila +6, yumyumpollo +7, Hyppy70 +7
Posted on 28 August 2023, 02:57 by:
junk@fun Score
Base +1, AMKWTF +13, duckmuck11 -7, yumyumpollo +7, TheJackArcher +6, F-O-X +12, mixerx1234 -6, koros444 +6, bolakacon +6
Base +6, AMKWTF +13, yumyumpollo +7, Hyppy70 +7, F-O-X +12, X-Trem +6, mixerx1234 -6
Base +6, yumyumpollo +7, F-O-X +12, X-Trem +6
Base +6, yumyumpollo +7, whygv2d1 +5
Posted on 13 September 2023, 19:56 by:
AdvanceSP Score
Base +1, yumyumpollo +7
Posted on 27 September 2023, 20:46 by:
magno Score
Base +7, staples101 -6, mixerx1234 +6, whygv2d1 -5