Ok, it's time, here comes the new simple public story of the month... But what is it about? Well, nothing more and nothing less than a new story, called Vamp-rock!, Here we will see how a group of girls with a band manages to reach stardom and finds themselves after one of its members appears... Looking different.
I liked making this story and I see the potential for it to be a kind of mini-series like evil convent, but in the end you are the one who decides, so the only thing left is to know if you like it... Enjoy it!
Remember that if you want to see the stories a month before publication and without censorship, you can support me on one of these platforms: FANBOX: https://gabriellm180.fanbox.cc/ PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/gabrielLM180
If you have an idea to offer or want to talk about the stories, there is also a discord for you to do so! DISCORD: https://discord.gg/Adnq97sGtz