Posted on 06 September 2023, 19:13 by: gabrielLM180A
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Well, we continue with this intense week leading up to the trip, so here is the public launch of the minicomic corresponding to the month of August. This time it was time to make Vampimon! 2, between choosing which character would be next, people voted for Jessie over May and Dawn, I hope you like it.
Stay tuned because between Friday and Sunday I will publish the simple story of the month of August, this being the last publication prior to the trip. From there we will see each other again until October, between the 9th and 12th. Greetings!
Remember that if you want to see the stories a month before publication and without censorship, you can support me on one of these platforms: FANBOX: PATREON:
If you have an idea to offer or want to talk about the stories, there is also a discord for you to do so! DISCORD: