Posted on 10 September 2023, 12:20 by:
sadikus Base +5, SeptimustheSeventh +3, typing with one hand +3, ecchineekun -6, ComplexSavior +6, Universal_Lover +6, reghls +1, Shellstrom +10, RaLz- -14, legoman1 -6, CornishGH +6, purple_09 +6, Degenerate-Trash +5, and 31 more...
Base +6, SeptimustheSeventh +3, Universal_Lover +6, reghls +1, hereforpandaonly +6, TheDocK +5, Shellstrom +10, cody1o3 +6, WhoBeMe +7, Dawnell_do +1, Degenerate-Trash +5, Liquid Shadow +6, Blakeh +6, and 18 more...
Base +6, Rawrgna -6, SeptimustheSeventh +3, IceCream125Lewd +4, Degenerate-Trash -5, Universal_Lover -6, SlippySlapper +5, Ormegan +6, AdurnaNagra +6, vomont +8, Omniflaw -7, hellocakeguy -6, Keric22 -6, and 2 more...
Posted on 04 August 2021, 13:27 by:
DScy31 Score
Base +5, Rawrgna -6, SeptimustheSeventh +3, nodire +6, Universal_Lover +6, Eon87 +6, Xinguon -7, butt1234123412341234 +6, aeglos555 +6, Juanchoman +5, SirTwenty7 -4, RandomChileno +6, lugia277 +5, and 3 more...
Base +9, War-Rai +7, Wataru29 +6, Eon87 +6, vomont +8, Deeznutz1234 +2, Speedyquader +4, Keric22 +6, sunshineandlolipops +24, Sanillam +13, Juanchoman +5, Mistikaphantoka +6, Anubert +5, and 2 more...
Base +6, dynamo1134 +6, Rail vehicle fan +6, Speedyquader +4, Keric22 -6, Kanuro5 +6, guest489 +6, SirTwenty7 +4
Posted on 17 September 2021, 10:06 by:
Fringgs Score
Base +6, bobyert +6
Base +2, nodire +6, rencen +6, bobyert +6, TheDocK +5, ryuzakil +8, sunshineandlolipops +24, Kanuro5 +6, Showdao +6
Base +6, SlyLewd +6, nodire +6, iZXPhantom +6, vomont +8, abcbcacba +3, Deeznutz1234 +5
Base +6, AlexTheAbsol +6, lolhentaing +4, iZXPhantom +6, vomont +8, SlyLewd +6, Linkofdanine +6, Nylocke +6, Dindarolo +4, SexKage +6, satellitea +9, Omniflaw +7, bobyert +6, and 16 more...
Base +9, Kanuro5 +6, goophergoopher +6, vomont -8, guest489 +6, saladmander +6, SirTwenty7 +3, hellocakeguy +6
Base +6, sunshineandlolipops -24, MehBeMyName -6, vomont -8, Sonora -10, Quazzyman -5, Astartes91 -5, hellocakeguy -6, bobyert -6, Turtsy +3, purple_09 -6, PaulGibson -4, SirTwenty7 -4, and 3 more...
Base +6, sunshineandlolipops +24, SirTwenty7 +3
Base +25, sunshineandlolipops +24, vomont +8, Deeznutz1234 +5, goophergoopher +6, SirTwenty7 -4
Posted on 13 October 2022, 22:08 by:
DarkMel Score
Base +10, vomont +8, Witchfinder -6, Mr. Possession -6, Gamblor -6
Base +6, bobyert -6, sadikus -30, sunshineandlolipops -24, Venom8 +10, pokepals987 -6, Hoobaha -1, lugia277 -5, Raiya95 +9, SeekingSilver -8, Liquid Shadow -6
Base +6, Turtsy +4, Venom8 -10, bobyert +6, Witchfinder -6, pokepals987 +6, sunshineandlolipops +24, SeptimustheSeventh +3, DessertBox +6, vomont +8, PaulGibson +5, lugia277 +5, Raiya95 -9, and 3 more...
Posted on 05 February 2023, 18:03 by:
sassan Score
Base +6, sunshineandlolipops -24, SirTwenty7 -4, InsertJokeHere7 -5, Ace Futs -11, 01Anon -6
Base +25, sunshineandlolipops +24, Deeznutz1234 +5, SeptimustheSeventh -3
Posted on 21 March 2023, 03:20 by:
lex15226 Score
Base +6, sunshineandlolipops -24, bobyert -6, saladmander +6, SirTwenty7 +3, vomont -8, atma weapon -7, Witchfinder -6, Rawrgna +6, SeptimustheSeventh +3
Base +16, PaulGibson +4, sunshineandlolipops -24, Deeznutz1234 -5, bobyert -6, Mr. Possession -6, atma weapon -7, Witchfinder -6, rencen +7, jsojoo12 +6, tman +7, Jeremy69 -6, DinoCock +8, and 2 more...
Base +25, SirTwenty7 +4, ChaosCourir +6, Jeremy69 +6, Red Panties +5
Base +6, SirTwenty7 -4, Keric22 -7, sunshineandlolipops -24, ChaosCourir -6, kosume -6, SeptimustheSeventh +3, Ace Futs +11
Posted on 22 June 2023, 04:35 by:
Done25 Score
Base +7, sunshineandlolipops +24, Zzetal +6, Ace Futs +11, Astartes91 +6
Base +25, Ace Futs +11, SeptimustheSeventh +3, Astartes91 +6
Base +6, lugia277 +5, sunshineandlolipops +24, SirTwenty7 -4, donglything +6, dynamo1134 +6, RoboMango +5
Base +6, Astartes91 -6, sunshineandlolipops +24, DJ-Ironclad +6, Witchfinder +6, Dragzos -6, saladmander -6, kerzid -4, SirTwenty7 -4, vomont +8, RoboMango +5
Base +7, SeptimustheSeventh +3, Kanuro5 +6, docbrown097 +8
Posted on 25 July 2023, 01:31 by:
RIGperu Score
Last edited on 26 July 2023, 05:18.
Base +6, SirTwenty7 +4, sunshineandlolipops +24
Posted on 25 July 2023, 08:45 by:
sassan Score
Base +6, SirTwenty7 +4, sunshineandlolipops -24, hellocakeguy +6, bruhmomentodos -6, bobyert -7
Base +6, sunshineandlolipops +24
Posted on 26 July 2023, 19:08 by:
sassan Score
Base +6
Base +6, sunshineandlolipops +24, docbrown097 +8
Posted on 02 August 2023, 15:55 by:
Byakuryuu Score
Base +7, random886 +6, docbrown097 +8, bruhmomentodos +6
Posted on 03 August 2023, 03:35 by:
sassan Score
Base +6, AlipheeseXVI -7, sunshineandlolipops -24, bobyert -7, rencen -7, MJTH -8, lol53 -6, soul saber -6, 01Anon -6
Base +2, sunshineandlolipops +24
Posted on 25 August 2023, 08:45 by:
BillyBois Score
Base +6, DessertBox +6, vomont +8, soul saber +6
Posted on 10 September 2023, 13:59 by:
lex15226 Score
Base +6, sunshineandlolipops -24, vomont -8
Posted on 10 September 2023, 18:45 by:
BillyBois Score
Base +6, sunshineandlolipops +24, gavron88 +7, dom4 +8, vomont +8, Astartes91 +6, Joshua Blade +6
Posted on 10 September 2023, 19:10 by:
Retconner Score
Base +6, sunshineandlolipops +24, gavron88 +7, dom4 +8, Astartes91 +6, Joshua Blade +6