Posted on 12 September 2023, 11:53 by:
loogutsp Score
Base +9, Miles Edgeworth +70, 炭治郎 +6
Posted on 12 September 2023, 12:38 by:
my son Score
Base +17, DTWC +12
Base +2, wayen124 +6, 提尔比茨北宅 +6, pad19950620 +6, 剑式长歌 +6, 这律花懵 +5, bluewin +7, MiaoyingAndFugen +3, 習近平 -30, rayy2k2005 -4, Victor0012 +1, LINKZRS +6, Retjj +6, and 1 more...
Posted on 13 September 2023, 03:35 by:
wuluehui Score
Base +6, 这律花懵 -5, √13συψχà -6, linqingqiang69 -3, momo0815 -6, wutowuto -5, Roseoice -7, jojodiobw -12, zxwy -6, thirteenluotian -6, laygoyayo -6, Deer essence -4, MasterZiv -6, and 91 more...
Posted on 13 September 2023, 05:10 by:
h3Dnon Score
Base +2, Roseoice +7, EcrL5t +6, zxwy +6, thirteenluotian +6, laygoyayo +6, zhuamao +3, need049 +2, fraudulentex +4, kongkaw +4, Wegole +6, StormWings +6, hentaina +10, and 85 more...
Posted on 13 September 2023, 12:45 by:
z1234zom Score
Base +6, Fshate -6, G2965290613 -5, 132aa2aa -4, akllcom1 -6, chrispeng12345 -5, mzdhy +6, 迷茫之人 -6, bluewin -7, athrus -6, wlen2333 -6, qq1739126979 -6, Cleansky -6, and 67 more...
Posted on 14 September 2023, 16:58 by:
Blade_LYT Score
Base +6, 炭治郎 +6, L9204999 +6, 習近平 -30, む +4, Miku240 +4, qfglpo +6, Black_Lightning +7, 123456abc123 +6, Oswald430 +6, whoIam、 +6, Monty114 +2, ikp8 +5, and 18 more...
Posted on 15 September 2023, 10:36 by:
mikegood Score
Base +7, 炭治郎 +6, L9204999 +6, 曾俊华 -3, 云上茶堂 +2, 習近平 -30, む +4, Miku240 +4, qfglpo +6, Black_Lightning +7, 123456abc123 +6, lee3325 +6, Oswald430 +6, and 31 more...
Base +7, xftt45 +1, Vseed +3, LHLwsy +4, lsp233...号 +6
Base +6, ASK33 -4, Black_Lightning -7, 123456abc123 -6, zhouzr_523 -6, Palaiologina -4, log4j -6, Oswald430 -6, x4x4x5x +6, MaoMao5221 -3, AlanSlac -6, Monty114 -2, duanxiuxiu -6, and 37 more...
Base +2, ikp8 +5, 坏孩子小林 +6, 江清潇 +5, xftt45 +1, Victor0012 +1, liquidnitrogend +4, menghui2000 +6, 蓝的懒骨头 +6, MAX0v0 +6, Charlin2233 +6, scarlet58 +5, WTF123123 +9
Base +6, 坏孩子小林 +6, 呵呵qq +6, xftt45 +1, ZIO OHMA FROM +6, THE FIGMA +6, 我是绒布球 -6, menghui2000 +6, Xavier Carl +3, czkA11 +1, MAX0v0 +6
Posted on 05 October 2023, 11:39 by:
带总统勒风 Score
Base +6, 我是绒布球 -6, 天光暗影 -6, D.hy +6
Base +6, nfsw +6, 我是绒布球 +6, Victor0012 +1, menghui2000 +6, Xavier Carl +3, czkA11 +1, ultele +6, tianyinhuanpei +5, ling4814490 +2, Retjj +6, xwxylyf +7, EDEN.F +6, and 2 more...
Posted on 25 January 2024, 18:10 by:
黑尅子 Score
Base +6, longhehe +6, Retjj +6, EDEN.F +6
Posted on 20 May 2024, 01:50 by:
小果叮 Score
Base +1, Retjj +6