Base +6, psyburn21 -20, 01Anon -6, Vlad_Implier -7, iggy1297 +9, somethingperson -6, father1 -12, ferman2 +7, lianxinsuo +7, Native Synth -11, bustershot +10, acceleratus -7, markusalllen77 +6, and 19 more...
Posted on 22 November 2022, 19:21 by:
milicite Score
Base +6, 01Anon -6, Vlad_Implier +7, iggy1297 +9, ferman2 +7, somethingperson -6, psyburn21 -20, Tiger_Claw +6, jojoman7 +6, mememe_meme +6, Online man +6, Nathan Fanstooik +6, Ez-Burning +5, and 42 more...
Base +3, viciousgrey -6, N00bisZed -6, DwindieDigilidoo -5, psyburn21 +20, ferman2 -7, MAT1028 -3, Imsolo -6, pomik000 +6, The Silver Wolf -1, CivMaster -8, Kisecomix -6, Yoichi1383 -9, and 10 more...
Base +6, ferman2 -7, The Silver Wolf -1, CivMaster +8, shootdamoon +6, thugwug +6, Hardlizard +6, psyburn21 +20, SlashSlayer +6, e95577 +6, sarg2gars +4, Fabyfabs +10, sushisensei +6, and 6 more...
Posted on 07 April 2023, 19:30 by:
BubbaJ Score
Base +7, thugwug +6, lk756700295 +2, e95577 +6, sarg2gars +4, ToaKraka +7, Harry J Potter +6, MyOpinionIsRight +6, Ikitsumatatsu +12, Zykam +12
Base +6, The Silver Wolf -3, Ikitsumatatsu -12, 风间亚言 -6, Zykam -12, MyOpinionIsRight -6, Mylias -7, Aelth -7
Posted on 26 June 2023, 11:43 by:
qogod Score
Base +6, MyOpinionIsRight +6, Mylias +7, The Silver Wolf +4