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[TSFSingularity (Artanis69xd)] Is it really You..Noelle? (Black Clover)

Posted:2023-10-07 09:17
File Size:142.5 MiB
Length:28 pages
Favorited:392 times
Average: 3.66

Showing 1 - 28 of 28 images

Posted on 07 October 2023, 09:24 by:   Nevaka Lubanis    PM
Score +3
Sometimes things are beyond me. Page 6 is "missing" on view by Large. But perfectly fine on view by Normal.
Posted on 07 October 2023, 15:27 by:   Soldier A    PM
Score +6
...did this get retranslated? Because the original was in English.
Posted on 07 October 2023, 16:50 by:   Nevaka Lubanis    PM
Score +3
No? The artist released portuguese and english version themselves. But the artist is Brazilian I believe. So the presence of inverse exclaim and question mark.
Posted on 07 October 2023, 18:55 by:   orasmase    PM
Score +45
This is so awful to read...

02: a very book dangerous
- noun goes last => a very dangerous book
02: a information
- starts with vowel => an information
02: a magic what is capable => a magic that is capable / a magic capable
02: Waiting... => Wait...
02: that book we find in the dungeon
- past? => that book we found in the dungeon
02: should leave and free me any trouble => you should leave and let me out of trouble
- also the bad typesetting makes it hard to read
02: will activate the few seconds
- nonsense => will active within a few seconds
02: luck finding out => good luck finding out
04: this body got [...] just from touching me
- nonsense => this body got [...] just from touching myself
04: Noelle faints
- past? => Noelle fainted
04: to Noelle likes Asta => Noelle likes Asta
04: her will not go so much
- nonsense
05: because i would like to see your body, idiot
- incoherent: likely Noelle speaking => as if i would like to see your body, idiot
06: is being desecrated and by Finral's idiot
- nonsense => is being desecrated by Finral's idiocy
07: he was not bathing
- Noelle's body => she was not bathing
08: Asta lied to you
- incoherent: talking to Asta => Asta, i lied to you
08: so fast you got down => you got down so fast
08: Truth?? => Is this the truth?? / Is this real??
08: three times mine
- lack an quantitative => three times as big as mine
09: stay away from you
- incoherent => stay away from me

And so on. Plus the non-English punctuation and a few bad capitalization. Also 04 should more likely be after 06.

> The artist released portuguese and english version themselves. But the artist is Brazilian I believe.
Then it'd be better to have an actual translator work from the Portuguese...
Last edited on 07 October 2023, 19:38.
Posted on 10 October 2023, 03:29 by:   我呜噜呀    PM
Score +2
Posted on 10 October 2023, 19:01 by:   Anadort    PM
Score +7
Makes no sense to have inverted exclamation and interrogation marks if it was translated from Portuguese. Portuguese, unlike Spanish, doesn't have those. This is a retranslation from a Spanish version, probably, which makes no sense.

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