Tarekatsu's long awaited sequel to his Chun-Li doujinshi has finally released. For all of you disappointed last time that there was no sex scenes after her defeat, I believe you will pleasantly surprised this time around. This is the first time that Tarekatsu has implemented sex scenes in a manga format. I think he did a pretty good job considering it's his first time attempting it. I hope you all enjoy the work as much as I did, and I hope somebody comes around and translates this doujin soon.
Don't worry, I will not try to translate the manga this time around. I am sure someone will translate this eventually now that people have gained an active interest in Tarekatsu's work due to my first rough translations of two of his works. If you don't believe me just read Obi158's comment here: /g/2070505/9364649e58/.
So if Daruna is somehow reading this, I just want to let you know I have no apologies for my initial translations, as if it were not for them than people like Obi158 would have never been introduced to this content and would have not requested a proper translation. You had zero interest in translating any of Tarekatsu's work anyway, so you went out of your way last time to ridicule and throw false accusations at me just to make me look bad.
I compare my translations to that of the Funimation dub of Dragon Ball Z. They might not have been the most accurate or faithful translations, but they were done the best way they could be done with the resources and skills available at the time they were made and had it not been for those translations then people would not have gained an interest in the work and better proper translations would not have been released.
Now that I have showed fellow ryona/peril lovers what the brilliance of Tarekatsu's work has to offer and a good portion of his content are now getting proper translations, I will leave the proper translating to proper Japanese speakers now.
Base +6, Clamstatic +6, ChazA4 +8, StatisticallyNP -12, Obsucurus +9
Thanks for posting, I really appreciate it! Does anyone know where I can come across the mp4 or the gifs? But still, glad to see this on here! No one does women suffering like Heroine Engineering!
Thanks for sharing! Just so you know, I've commissioned Kuraudo (whom I had previously commissioned for other Tarekatsu's works) to translate this one as well as the Mai's add'I previously published, so expect a release from them in a near future 🙂