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My A.i. Scarlett Johansson pictures [AI Generated]

Posted:2023-10-21 18:51
File Size:6.50 MiB
Length:52 pages
Favorited:89 times
Average: 1.46

Showing 1 - 20 of 52 images

Posted on 21 October 2023, 18:51 by:   ScarJoFantasyverse    PM
Uploader Comment
I am Cthulhu, and I have decided that I like it here. I wasn’t going to stay, but I’ve changed my mind.
Also there’s a difference between low effect and not having a lot of money to spend on the insane equipment required for A.i. I am a broke and starving (not metaphorically) artist who tried his best to keep up with the times and do A.i. Like everyone else with my toaster (because no one wants any other art), I am a perfectionist, I think all my work is bad. This art was stolen from me and I only posted it here so people would know it was mine, but I guess I’m the only one that will get punished. Oh well, who cares. Thank you all, you all have given me the strength and rage to keep going, I’m glad to be here and I love you all. Peace. :)
Posted on 21 October 2023, 18:55 by:   penguin001    PM
Score +104
if you do come back with more, do try to remember to put [AI Generated] in the title so it gets properly tagged and the people that HATE AI don't then 0.5 star it into the ground for not being tagged.

Later edit.
checked my spelling, my dyslexic ass can't find any errors that i have been told are there, my Grammar isn't great nor do i capitalize properly but yeah, anyone able to show me where the mistakes i got told that made my message hard to read are?
Last edited on 21 October 2023, 23:14.
Posted on 21 October 2023, 18:58 by:   Waitugreat    PM
Score +70
If you say 25% of the results are useable, why did you uploaded the bad ones instead? No need to upload more weird stuff here. There are already many people who upload hundreds if not thousands images which looks super weird and obviously bad.

Have some mercy.
Posted on 21 October 2023, 19:02 by:   ScarJoFantasyverse    PM
Score -7
Since everyone hates me anyway, I’m making one last edit to my comment and I want to say. I have never used this site before, I have no idea how any of it works, and at least to my knowledge, I have to upload the gallery before I can post tags. Everyone was so quick to murder me, but not one of you tried to help me. So I don’t care if you don’t like me or my art, because the feeling is mutual.
If you’re all so good at this site and A.i. How about you help me?… Oh wait, I know why. You’re not!.

Thank you all for telling me just how worthless and bad I am on my first post, well I’m trying to figure out how to add tags and everything. It’s been such a warm welcome, I feel like I was just ran over before I even got a chance to figure out what I’m doing. I can honestly say this is one of my worst internet experiences and I’ve had hundreds. I’d apologize for being such a evil stain on this perfect place. But we never apologize… And we are not leaving. So thank you for the greetings with great hostility, now I know what I’m here for. :)
Last edited on 21 October 2023, 20:27.
Posted on 21 October 2023, 20:22 by:   Waitugreat    PM
Score +39
Huh. Oh well. I wasn't even that raging or hateful. There are other people who are way, way ruder, insulting the uploader for this kind of content. Luckily these people didn't find your gallery first. So we had the chance to rename the gallery, so people who blacklisted AI Generated content are not able to see this gallery.

To explain the annoyance of AI generated content:
See, we have over 2000 galleries uploaded here which have more than 1,000 images. The majority are ... let's call it "low effort" ones.
A good example for a gallery where the images are pretty bad: /g/2655359/85fb4d4156/
And another not so good gallery, where the models are more "real": /g/2712159/921a713cb6/
We have more of the "low effort" content here, galleries with hundreds of images, where one can see in one glimpse that the images are AI generated. (general "art" style, HANDS, eyes, nipples, ...)

But there are some galleries where it takes a bit longer to notice the errors. For example /g/2708852/ca2f9f906c/

We even have some AI generated Doujins here or other content with some kind of story. For example /g/2470364/3cb5384ead/

So it's not that everyone just hates AI generated content in general. It's just that there are so, so many people who uploads another 1000+ images gallery with 7 molten fingers creatures.

And your gallery: Even in your uploader comment you wrote "I know it’s bad", "a mix of good pics and pics with some errors".
Just look at page 33 and page 29
You can't tell me these are good ...

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