Title: Ibarahime (Sleeping Beauty) Artist/Circle: Mugen Black Length: About 20 pages Summary: After the Chuunin exam matches, Kiba and Hinata are both hospitalized. While Kiba has just recovered, he learned from Shino that Hinata was badly hurt after the fight with Neji. What will he do? Read and find out!
Wow. I thought it was actually really, really good. Very simple but still so good and beautiful. One of the very first time in my life I feel forced to compliment an artist on a hentai site because of the quality of the story. I rarely ever comment, and when I do it's about the quaality of the drawings. But this time, I was here to masturbate, and was so touched by the story I felt the need to compliment it, it's the first time it happens to me. And I'm actually pretty sad I was masturbating when reading this, I thought it was another dumb hentai thing, and since I was masturbating I couldn't be immersed enough in the story. Maybe the artist shouldn't have this story posted on a hentai site by the way, it gives people like me fake expectations, and you can't fully appreciate the story when masturbating.
But yeah I loved it. I mean, obviously it's not a masterpiece because it's a very short story, no time for a lot of development. But I appreciate the fact it's so powerful in so few pages. It's not the most amazing story, but it's good in its own way, a good mix of simplicity/shortness/beauty.
The original artist probably will never read this, maybe you could point me at where to contact him so that I can send these compliments, but right now I'm too lazy to find out how to contact him, I gotta go back to masturbating now.