我在eh上传的资源仅仅用于免费传播。你可以在eh上面免费下载到我上传的盘资源。一些搬运别人免费上传的资源来牟利的网站,这种不付费就无法查看并且下载内容的狗屎网站(这种网站,萌绘、或者一些淘宝网站、在我贴上的图片为例子),希望大家抵制这类网站。 <br> <br>The resources I upload on eh are for free distribution only. You can download the web resources I uploaded for free on eh. Some websites that move resources uploaded by others for free to make money, this kind of shit site that can't view and download content without paying.(this website, moehui‘https://www.moehui.com/’, or some ***** station, in the picture I posted as an example), I hope you boycott this kind of website.