Base +3, DarkAbyss073 -6, player4578 -6, jeffery2838 -13, valefor33 -10, Thenarfking -7, bensalenkkari -26, glitcher998 -9, Ristelle -12, TKLF -25, AutumQueen92 -8, EscaBor -6, Fate Averruncus -8, and 12 more...
Posted on 06 November 2023, 21:00 by:
hijikato Score
Base +7, Raift +9, retrospectrum +7, whatsathrowaway +6, Aeron216 +6, wootwoot123 +6, Chilean_Guy +6, Vinsader +6, The14thNoah +12, finnick8 +8, HunterBlackLuna +6, kentrell leonard69 +6, BupB0i +5
Posted on 06 November 2023, 23:12 by:
mish2001 Score
Base +7, ragnel alondite +7, Weird Doddle +5, dom4 +8, avivandh +6, xanoxelor +6, whatsathrowaway +6, Scorps283 +6, metalyrical +6, pedromartinezx -7, The14thNoah +12, finnick8 +8, Evyy +20, and 6 more...
Posted on 07 November 2023, 13:39 by:
Valvagia Score
Base +6, catzchanka +6, Raift +9, dayfox99 +6, Scorps283 +6, Chilean_Guy +6, Vinsader +6, pedromartinezx +7, The14thNoah +12, finnick8 +8, Cadavrus +6, Megaton +45, tgsos +8, and 4 more...