A manga made by Kaneko Naoya, i found one day on a website, now dying [/! The websecurity is outdated, i only post the link, if someone want to check it (https://m.acgqd.com/manhua/619/524591.html) /!]
I couldn't find it anywhere else, so I recovered up all 37 chapters and to see if people are interested or not, i post the first chapter. I don't know if they are more than 37 chapters.
It's a slice of life, like Himegoto, the protagonist will join a cross-dressing club, whose goal is to reunite girls and boys through crossdressing. And yeah, i totaly mess up with language (china, not japanese), sorry about that.
Thinking TomChang is right, i will keep searching, hoping to find the last chapters. =.=