>Takumi Shindo, a second year student at Sakurazuka School, is living a depressing life. He has no appetite, no desire to play, lack of sleep and dizzy in the mornings. These are symptoms that everyone experiences during adolescence. Yes, Takumi had fallen ill with love. >His partner is a classmate, Ayana Shinozaki. When he thinks about her, his chest tightens and he feels sad. She's the cutest girl in the class, and there are always people around her. Because of her cheerful personality, friendliness and cuteness, she is monopolised by the boys at the top of the caste. >Takumi does his best to forget Shinozaki Ayana. One day, however, something miraculous happens. >It seems that she had been thinking about Takumi for a long time, and when they happened to be alone together, she told him how she felt about him. >This is how Takumi's life was turned 180 degrees upside down and he started dating for the first time in his life. >After a while, Shinozaki Ayana is summoned to the clubroom by the head of the manga research club she belongs to, who wants to hear her impressions of the manga he has drawn. >Ayana, who had actually been confessed to by Tanuma senior before, was in a slightly uncomfortable mood, but she told herself that she was being too conscious.