04: should have ended of the Lumen Histoire - preposition inapplicable with verb form => should have ended Lumen Histoire / should have been the end of Lumen Histoire 05: it's compatibility that's the only factor - redundant => compatibility is the only factor 06: you could do to - enough room in the bubble for no breaking words 06: It wouldn't be bad... Play - preposition missing? => It wouldn't be bad... to play 07: Look to you! => Look at you! 09: it's purpose is - possessive => its purpose is 11: was a pussy feels like => what a pussy feels like 12: you full - verb missing => you're full 13: the conflict of both guilds => the conflict between both guilds 13: a new beginning in family ties => a family ties a new beginning 13: Berselion - https://fairytail.fandom.com/wiki/Irene_Belserion => Belserion 13: ... Taught [...] ... Wished - explicit subject => ... She taught [...] ... She wished 13: his nature [...] their daughter [...] his redemption => her nature [...] her daughter [...] her redemption 13: heat and cold mutual feeling before their daughter - nonsense 13: such a spell corrupted - missing object complement 13: affection [...] vanishes anger => affection [...] replaces anger 14: It's true! - wrong meaning => That's right! 15: your safe - verb => you're safe 15: worst than - comparative => worse than 15: tight little whole => tight little hole 19: tigth => tight 19: garjeel - https://fairytail.fandom.com/wiki/Gajeel_Redfox?so=search => Gajeel
Also, punctuation is lacking. And inconsistent typesetting towards the end.
I do not anything about Fairy Tail - almost anything - but Erza is a kind of common knowledge for people who likes anime and/or manga. So reading a story with her losing control is fine for me. Nice artwork, by the way.
Base +30, DianaPrince +11, akiyuki -18, Bombum +1, MrSticksandStones +1