Posted on 30 November 2023, 16:07 by:
ROBBOO Base +6, scalopian +6, hello_kitty -6, StrangerQ -6, AimElmo +6, DarkestKuro +5, IReadIt10Time -6, SoulReaverFo +9, billyestus +5, fletchlives +8, Dynellen +51, Nahorti +5, Saika_ -24, and 65 more...
Posted on 24 January 2021, 20:53 by:
XisaleX Score
Base +6, fletchlives -8, TB_SuperHentaiFreak -6, Caravaneer +6, Infinal +18, inkarian21 +6, Raiya95 +6, khrwanillwwat +6, JDDslam -6, neoshingundam -1, ulyimos1sy +6, Mudze -6, Honkerbonker -6, and 11 more...
Posted on 25 January 2021, 00:15 by:
Moyaguo Score
Base +7, TB_SuperHentaiFreak +6, locktory -5, Moronius +6, Zenturial +7, fletchlives +8, sassan +6, brotherdudejack +6, Posteriorpepperoni +5, Kaoshammer +7, inkarian21 -6, Blaziken123 +6, Jeremy69 +6, and 25 more...
Base +6, Moronius +6, brotherdudejack +6, Posteriorpepperoni +5, captaindope +6, inkarian21 -6, Blaziken123 +6, fir3p0wer666 +6, Suzaku87 +6, neoshingundam +1, jeof96 +6, Mudze +6, Shinryu-Rex +11, and 7 more...
Posted on 25 January 2021, 08:51 by:
RestiaAsl Score
Base +6, TB_SuperHentaiFreak -6, Audionoob -4, Big Monky -5, Moronius -6, jesusomar95 +6, Caravaneer +6, fletchlives -8, captaindope -6, Druem -6, Deschu -7, brotherdudejack -6, Posteriorpepperoni -5, and 18 more...
Posted on 26 January 2021, 06:11 by:
XisaleX Score
Base +6, Moronius +6, Caravaneer -6, fletchlives +8, brotherdudejack +6, Posteriorpepperoni +5, inkarian21 -6, M'aiq +11, Krowbarr +6, Ilosia -13, Toushyrou -9, neoshingundam -1, Big Monky -5, and 18 more...
Posted on 11 February 2021, 09:47 by:
redo19 Score
Base +6, Caravaneer -6, fletchlives +8, Arthy -7, captaindope +6, Deschu +7, brotherdudejack +6, inkarian21 -6, boobjoggler23 -6, khrwanillwwat -6, Mudze +6, Suzaku87 +6, epek +10, and 20 more...
Base +6, Caravaneer -6, fletchlives +8, captaindope +6, brotherdudejack +6, inkarian21 -6, M'aiq +11, Raiya95 -6, blueprints +6, Mudze +6, epek +10, neoshingundam +1, jeof96 +6, and 12 more...
Posted on 11 February 2021, 12:05 by:
saikodou Score
Base +1, Arthy +7, jere512 +6, Ihds -6, neoshingundam +1, Red Uchiha +6, Nartousamaci -6, Mermaidlov3r +7, MyOpinionIsRight -6, moncho5489 +6, oulds2046 +1, rambo voller -25, Azhagal -16, and 3 more...
Posted on 12 February 2021, 07:05 by:
Minten Score
Base +6, Deschu -7, Infinal +18, HUxSOLDIER +6, brotherdudejack -6, Doutey +10, inkarian21 +6, fletchlives -8, khrwanillwwat +6, Brego1 +6, neoshingundam -1, Shinryu-Rex -11, JonahTHD +7, and 8 more...
Base +9, IaY +10, inkarian21 -6, Ilosia +13, tadpolegaming +7, nack_star +6, Suzaku87 +6, JDDslam -6, jeof96 +6, Big Monky +5, Universal_Lover +6, Shinryu-Rex +11, JonahTHD -7, and 9 more...
Posted on 20 March 2021, 17:57 by:
Darkei Score
Base +6, SanderVB +7, nack_star +6, Universal_Lover -6, Brego1 -6, Shinryu-Rex -11, mambu -8, Nikolaios +4, spaminatorial -6, HoldoverName -8, Shellstrom +10, MyOpinionIsRight -6, Mylias -7, and 2 more...
Base +6, JDDslam -6, jeof96 +6, nack_star +6, Universal_Lover +6, Dalinair +6, TheOfficialCzex +5, Shinryu-Rex +11, JonahTHD -7, spaminatorial +6, Shellstrom -10, MyOpinionIsRight +6, U2112 +5, and 4 more...
Posted on 08 April 2021, 16:03 by:
Minten Score
Base +6, JDDslam -6, Shinryu-Rex -11, khrwanillwwat +6, JonahTHD +7, spaminatorial -6, Fin93612 +5, HoldoverName -8, Shellstrom +10, rambo voller -25, Even_Ball +11, Mylias -7, chiba masato -9, and 2 more...
Posted on 13 May 2021, 10:23 by:
6666hero Score
Base +5, Nartousamaci -6, Nikolaios +4, shortycr -7, MyOpinionIsRight -6, U2112 -5, somethingsortablue -6, Raiya95 +10, somerandomdude33 -29
Base +6, balloondraw -8, TheLoneTerran +6, spaminatorial +6, JonahTHD -7, fir3p0wer666 +6, Fabe22 +7, Shellstrom -10, Mylias -7, MehMeher -8, somethingsortablue -6, Raiya95 +10, Toni95 +6
Base +13, homoteus +6, TheLoneTerran +6, Crimson Soul +6, somerandomdude33 -29
Base +6, Raiya95 -7, MayLover -7, eleeinos +38, Shellstrom -10, MyOpinionIsRight +6, Waitugreat +32, Gannendorf +6, Azhagal +16, MehMeher +8, hitsufan +6, TheKidAgain +6, Naruhodo +7, and 2 more...
Base +1, DocChinchillin -6, Mylias -7, GOTH001 -6, chiba masato -9, somethingsortablue -6, somerandomdude33 -29
Base +6, Mylias -7, chiba masato -9, somethingsortablue -6, somerandomdude33 -29
Posted on 27 October 2023, 07:39 by:
SteveMeat Score
Base +6, Mylias -7, Hannibal Barca -6, shekelmeister +6, MehMeher -8, hitsufan -6, danmappart -6, TheKidAgain -6, chiba masato -9, somethingsortablue -6, Vibe -7, Raiya95 +10, Toni95 +6, and 2 more...
Base +5, hitsufan +6, somethingsortablue +6, Cinissh +7, Raiya95 -10, Toni95 -6
Posted on 27 September 2024, 15:51 by:
Elbixo01 Score
Base +1