Posted on 06 December 2023, 09:39 by:
Red 255 Score
Base +7, Rukabu +6, Jesus_2020774 +6, Jalis +7, Kreckey +7, Roger28 +6, Minstrelofmoria +6, IngmarS +7, Rollarcy -6, MaulanaMuhammad +6, ToyHugs +6, Green hermit +6, the_king901 +7, and 34 more...
Posted on 06 December 2023, 10:49 by:
KamizakiP Score
Base +6, the_king901 +7, TouhouPairings +6, Excalibur21 +6, eatlyh +6, Untamedtaco +6, darkscizor +6, Wolf Mann +6, saturnine +7, Argamis SilverComet +6
Posted on 06 December 2023, 11:10 by:
Nelhew Score
Base +7, Phears +6, eatlyh +6, go-zaus -6, MaeveLuv +7, Wolf Mann +6
Base +6, Phears +6, Pavale +6, Chestnut_Rice +6, eatlyh +6, Manga God +8, Generic Anime Name +6, go-zaus -6, opopis5 +6, MaeveLuv +7, BabyThor +3, punishedmob +6, thebeginingoftheend +7, and 2 more...
Base +6, eatlyh +6, Minstrelofmoria +6, go-zaus +6, Generic Anime Name +6, MaeveLuv +7, Wolf Mann +6, olegv11 +6
Base +5, Ouroboros186 +6, Kues +6, HiddenAgenda +8, BaperNu +9, silv1 +6, singe88 +6, Ciano21 +5, BabyThor -3, tudjin +6, UnknowDestroyer -19, Cadoc69 +8, aoko-- -6, and 7 more...
Posted on 07 December 2023, 01:19 by:
Annilina Score
Base +6
Base +6, go-zaus -6, reroda +14, Kues -6, biroberts -6, IngmarS +7, HiddenAgenda -8, MaeveLuv +7, UnknowDestroyer +19, BabyThor +3, tudjin +6, Hardart +6, linkfai +6, and 9 more...
Base +6, Generic Anime Name +6, Denojab +5, MaeveLuv +7, Wolf Mann +6, churnip +6, saturnine +7, Argamis SilverComet +6
Base +6, Generic Anime Name +6, Denojab +5, MaeveLuv +7, singe88 +6, BabyThor +3, yachiru19 +7, aoko-- +6, charly4994 +7, Wolf Mann +6, churnip +6, saturnine -7, arhra -6, and 3 more...
Posted on 08 December 2023, 03:26 by:
ast4 Score
Base +6, MaeveLuv +7, Ciano21 +5, aoko-- +6, punishedmob +6, Wolf Mann +6, churnip -6, Argamis SilverComet +6
Base +6, TouhouPairings -6, MaeveLuv -7, aoko-- -6, Wolf Mann -6, churnip -6, elvendrunk -11, saturnine -7, 0psi -6
Base +6, aoko-- -6, Wolf Mann -6, churnip -6, JumpingJellybeans +6, saturnine +7, Argamis SilverComet +6, Haxton Fale -6
Posted on 24 January 2024, 12:48 by:
Trit’ Score
Base +6, Argamis SilverComet +6