Base +6, xepher215 -5, fireburst7 -7, scold me gently -6, riesza +7, robotshark +6, Eclipseshadow +7, White Remington -8, Celmeza -5, RaizelX -7, Eridler -6, Wolf_Shepherd -6, Capi duffman +14, and 4 more...
Base +6, CyborgSamurai +6, smarty358 +6, Solomus +7, fkjo255 +6, kr0tch +6, yupokamusi -8, riesza +7, White Remington -8, PinguPrin +7, jmcm30 +6, Wolf_Shepherd +6, Capi duffman +14, and 6 more...
Posted on 30 December 2022, 09:10 by:
ART65 Score
Base +6, Alphasekai +6, BLT123 +13
Base +39, Kudamaki +13, BlackOrion +7, jbster +7