to artist: I believe that this futa girl needs to have alot more typs of adventures. With GIRLS & GUYS alike thru seperate storys. How bout you? Shes verry cute! Plus you have excelent art skills in my opin. It's verry crisp draw work of the charictors. **** ***** Would be if she were bangin the sillyness out of a non futa gurl, all crazy &'d bull breathidly ECT. Pluss i luv the message of how there paths cross & yet how shes so verry pretty/cute and the three guys are such ugly dorks. And yet you still made it work. As if she has a believeable deep story to her past. With her expressions an all.
What are the chances that the artist will actually read their praise on the sight, and, if they do so, what are the chances that theyll understand the language said praise is IN?