The eighth manga compilation by Yakumi Sarai, it contains the following titles: 006-039 - スワコVSスペーススワコ | Suwako vs. Space Suwako ( and an English translation available at /g/1498505/e996fc6c7e/) 040-092 - 幽香繚乱 | Yuuka Ryouran ( 093-154 - ゴゥ!ゴゥ!アラウンド | Go! Go! Around ( 155-212 - からすとうさぎ | Karasu to Usagi ( 213-277 - マジマジ | Maji Maji ( 278-341 - PRIMAL FLOWER (Unique to this compilation, not released separately)
UPDATE: Got a brand new scanner, working on updating all my scans.
Some minor notes on the scan: - On page 113, a bit of text in the last panel appears cut off. That is not a bad crop on my part, the page is physically cropped this way, I'm generally within a millimeter of the border. - Pages 258-259 and 332-333 are dual-page spreads. But with the way the book was printed, the gap between them was far too great for me to consider repainting it, so I left them separate. - Quite often, the content itself is not quite aligned with the page margin. I almost always align to the content itself, but in some cases I'd hit the margin long before the crop, so those pages were left kinda misaligned. There's maybe 10-15 of them. Not much I can do about that.
Oh, and this time I decided to convert everything to JPEG (90% quality setting) instead of sticking with PNG, since the imperfectness of scans really hurts the PNG file size (JPEG cut the size by half without any perceptible quality loss).
@The_Riddler69 Translations are already available, actually.
Suwako vs. Space Suwako - /g/1498505/e996fc6c7e/ Yuuka Ryouran - Go! Go! Around - Karasu to Usagi - Maji Maji - Primal Flower -
Only, as you can see, most of them are just notes on Danbooru, so before they get actually posted properly someone needs to typeset them. But hey, decent image editing skills are a lot easier to come by around here than fluent Japanese, you can even be the one to do it.