Base +7, Spectre +51, Setebos +11, flashman92 +11, moo21 -1, grobe01 +7, Fuhrer +5, Maxsiu88pl -5, abcduke -3, pfniek +4, jackal133m +8, comic2comic -7, CGrascal +10, and 17 more...
Base +52, Maxsiu88pl +5, Yoshai -4, grobe01 -7, abcduke +3, pfniek -4, Nashrakh -10, Setebos -11, jackal133m -8, comic2comic -7, CGrascal -10, gethigher -4, yoshi245 -8, and 13 more...
Posted on 02 September 2010, 08:29 by:
Tatsuhiko Score
Base +7, Maxsiu88pl +5, Yoshai +4, abcduke -3, pfniek +4, Nashrakh +10, comic2comic -7, CGrascal +10, gethigher +4, yoshi245 +8, Reantice +5, faytT +5, grgspunk +6, and 16 more...
Base +1, maffew311 +6, truefire -6, dat PLOT -7, Gabriel2 -8, homogenized -7, 58569 -5, malikski +4, BubbaJ +6