This collection of AI images was the result of me tinkering with AI just so I could decide where to stand in regards to AI -> be it in music, art, writing -> code or novels and I got now my answer! As such I will share it with you so that those who like AI Art can enjoy it! But my standing won't change -> purely AI = is disguisting as hell and I can only accept it as an error correction tool for translating foreign languages!
So now that this is done! Welcome to the weirdness of AI and with all it's flaws!
One mans garbage is another mans treasure! But in my opinion AI should be outlawed I did it only to decide on my stand towards it, so for everyone judging over it please keep in mind that I only uploaded this collection for a statement on how bad AI is! It's utterly garbage and I also have to deal with it in my work environment since it's harmful to us! I'm a writter and before I can publish my work I have to proof to my publisher that my work isn't AI generated -> AI is a scam and anyone who tries to make monye with it harms artist, musicians and authors!
To me AI is worse than PIRACY!
Also for those interested I already banished it from my drives!