Thank you for that link, marconii. I'm too lazy to do a full translation, but here's the basic gist of the original story: the student (who just gets referred to as "Mr. Nakada" by the teacher) wonders if his English teacher (named Kirichako Natari) is a foreigner. When he consults his peers in the infirmary about how off she is (pointing out how she doesn't look Japanese, the fact that she's the only woman working in an all-boys' school, as well as her ridiculous breast size), they all seem to deny this (one points out how her name is Japanese, and a couple more interesting comments include "She's a woman, so she'll have breasts" and "Are they that small?"). When he confronts Natari herself on the matter, she immediately comes onto him, explaining how men have told her that by doing that, they'll keep her identity a secret. The text at the very end reads "Afterwards, anyone who took Natari-sensei's class wouldn't question her", followed by Natari saying (in English) "Complete".