Posted on 30 August 2023, 06:58 by:
jduder9 Score
Base +6, Norinxxx -6, kafi -8, unnoticed demon +19, idrc -8, Khunsdata -5, mtm2010 -11, bblllll1 +4, NaruTardx -6, philipisawesome -6, TheProdigy -6, DazWolf +6, tyrone4469 +6, and 79 more...
Base +6, AyeSpy +7, Loggerville +6, Onys177 +6, fighterzer98 +7, John Silker +6, Hypnospiral +6, Cricket785634 +2, Dawnell_do +4, thenokiottos3 -7, MehMeher +7, zombi007 +6, jbster +7, and 79 more...
Posted on 30 August 2023, 12:14 by:
writter Score
Base +8, NMK +7, hellspenguin +7, hasdu35 +6, NaruTardx +6, Ballsacademics +2, fighterzer98 +7, John Silker +6, SomeDude44632 +6, DazWolf -6, incogna777 +10, tyrone4469 -6, fritzly +6, and 189 more...
Posted on 30 August 2023, 16:41 by:
Base +6, fighterzer98 +7, John Silker -6, TheProdigy -6, SomeDude44632 -6, DazWolf +6, tyrone4469 +6, Kanosaga -6, AllahBabah -8, ShamelessSexuality -10, Morgain +6, Ballsacademics -2, thenokiottos3 -7, and 95 more...
Base +6, Triin +6, Hypnospiral +6, tyrone4469 -6, Kanosaga +6, fritzly +6, FFXFan13 -10, AllahBabah +8, Morgain -6, pantonious +6, Ballsacademics +2, thellina +5, Dawnell_do +4, and 181 more...
Posted on 30 August 2023, 22:01 by:
SolusSama Score
Base +6, fritzly -6, Waitugreat +39, Cricket785634 +2, AllahBabah -8, ShamelessSexuality -10, Morgain +6, Ballsacademics -2, Dawnell_do +4, thenokiottos3 -7, greatlakes100 -7, MehMeher +7, thatguy26 -6, and 72 more...
Base +10, greatlakes100 -7, Nightwolf5251 +6, Mad-Kruger +6, MehMeher +7, thatguy26 -6, therussian +6, the dru one -7, AGMlolz +21, jbster +7, AliasVal +5, smeddy90 +6, MOoNi +6, and 47 more...
Posted on 04 September 2023, 14:30 by:
Rancephor Score
Base +7, zombi007 +6, sadiadfssdfsdfsdf +6, DessertBox -6, Imsolo +6, Taiga Kuro -6, Eziogilrean +6, furryusername4 +6, PinkMask -9, illyasviel21 +9, Chorizo94 -6, crowns -6, PepperoniFloyd +6, and 8 more...
Posted on 07 September 2023, 09:09 by:
Meowshi Score
Base +6, MehMeher +7, DessertBox -6, FataMorganaPseudonym +10, sp235fred +8, Strykarkatt +26, Imsolo +6, blahtyyyyy +6, Jin.H. +13, dy_1625 +6, worm2 +5, Norinxxx +7, Qwerty Bam +6, and 34 more...
Base +6, Bruh314 +5, MehMeher +7, DessertBox -6, Zombie-Fraek +7, Olegius +6, Torcoolguy +7, WHISKY99 +6, sp235fred +8, ShamelessSexuality -10, Imsolo +6, MOoNi +6, DiegoGamer +6, and 36 more...
Base +6, Amark +6, Savvic +7, DessertBox -6, Zombie-Fraek +7, phub8585 +2, setsumei +8, ShamelessSexuality +10, ehcks -6, jaynautk +6, Mormadorb +6, rambo voller +27, smeddy90 -6, and 33 more...
Posted on 09 September 2023, 14:56 by:
Myonson Score
Base +6, Supersilence +6, DessertBox -6, phub8585 +2, sp235fred +8, Imsolo +6, worm2 +5, Gekomees +6, rambo voller +27, smeddy90 +6, 58569 +6, mhill6941 +6, bbcgod1 +4, and 12 more...
Base +2, Amark -6, jbster +7, Master M +6, errata +14, MehMeher +7, DessertBox -6, zZShadowZz -6, phub8585 -2, Torcoolguy +7, setsumei +8, sp235fred +8, mjcrest +6, and 14 more...
Posted on 14 September 2023, 23:07 by:
Bmr Score
Base +6, da_bomb968 -6, bass915 +7, CunningStunt117 +6, Glovelove. +30, Higers +7, Jin.H. +13, DiegoGamer +6, Norinxxx +7, Strykarkatt -26, rambo voller +27, badcarrot -7, bbcgod1 +4, and 4 more...
Posted on 15 September 2023, 02:50 by:
FSweetBoy Score
Base +5, DolphinFrall +6, ShamelessSexuality -10, BLT123 -13, 0riginal +7, X-Trem -6, Neckbreak86 -7, Norinxxx -7, Strykarkatt +26, Ranxerox +6, Taiga Kuro -6, rambo voller +27, OldManDinkleStein -6, and 13 more...
Base +6, bass915 -7, mephs +7, CunningStunt117 -6, Imsolo +6, AGMlolz +21, DolphinFrall +6, Waitugreat +39, the dru one -7, blahtyyyyy -6, 0riginal +7, jbster +7, MOoNi +6, and 53 more...
Base +5, X-Trem +6, jaynautk +6, Astarannis +10, buttfarty +6, Norinxxx +7, Zombie-Fraek +7, pepper001 +6, WattieWasTaken +6, Eziogilrean -6, someguy777 -6, smeddy90 -6, AnimeLov3rxXx -11, and 17 more...
Posted on 22 September 2023, 01:54 by:
valesauce Score
Base +6, worm2 +5, Brakiozor -7, Norinxxx -7, Strykarkatt +26, ensane -9, Simplechimp +7, unnoticed demon +19, FunkyFox +6, DrOctopus -6, Neckbreak86 +7, uuumryea +6, savingforresearch -5, and 51 more...
Base +12, Bane13 +58, smeddy90 +6, 58569 +6, Kier +8, Jin.H. +13, PepperoniFloyd +6
Base +3, rambo voller +27, OldManDinkleStein +6, PepperoniFloyd +6, Jin.H. -13
Base +2, uuumryea +6, Eziogilrean +6, mjcrest +6, smeddy90 +6, 58569 +6, Jin.H. +13, PepperoniFloyd +6, shadowkazumanic +6, EmptyLine +6, Chyor +6, 1877kars +6, ebregT +4, and 1 more...
Base +5, unnoticed demon +19, savingforresearch -5, Gluttubus -6, Finalsin -8, duronthedark -6, Bane13 +58, jbster +7, mjcrest +6, qwertzy12 -10, Korak17 +5, Posteriorpepperoni +6, PinkMask -9, and 7 more...
Last edited on 30 September 2023, 04:44.
Base +7, unnoticed demon +19, WattieWasTaken -6, beenjammin34 -6, savingforresearch -5, Finalsin -8, SuperTrain -6, rambo voller -27, jbster +7, smeddy90 -6, blahtyyyyy -6, Waitugreat +39, qwertzy12 -10, and 54 more...
Base +7, WattieWasTaken -6, savingforresearch -5, Neckbreak86 +7, Eziogilrean +6, Bane13 +58, Master M +6, Higers +7, jbster +7, mjcrest +6, AnimeLov3rxXx +11, Waitugreat +39, qwertzy12 -10, and 31 more...
Base +4, savingforresearch -5, Bane13 +58, Master M +6, mjcrest +6, OldManDinkleStein +6, 58569 +6, bbcgod1 +4, PinkMask -9, Mordamis +6, bgrim -14, Jin.H. +13, chaqueta_pajilla +6, and 6 more...
Posted on 30 September 2023, 19:25 by:
jodedoor Score
Base +6, savingforresearch -5, Neckbreak86 +7, andi77 +6, duronthedark -6, Bane13 +58, xxxxasdf +6, rambo voller -27, Master M +6, jbster +7, mjcrest +6, qwertzy12 -10, OldManDinkleStein +6, and 13 more...
Base +5, Gugasha -7, Simplechimp +7, Master M +6, jbster +7, unnoticed demon +19, AnimeLov3rxXx +11, jake1237 +7, qwertzy12 -10, JDtheDoctor +6, OldManDinkleStein -6, Norinxxx -7, PinkMask -9, and 18 more...
Base +6, Master M +6, jbster +7, PinkMask -9, illyasviel21 +9, badcarrot -7, Jin.H. +13, chaqueta_pajilla +6
Posted on 03 October 2023, 22:10 by:
metaggros Score
Base +6, AnimeLov3rxXx +11, Bane13 +58, WHISKY99 +6, qwertzy12 -10, JDtheDoctor +6, DrOctopus -6, Omppu +6, OldManDinkleStein -6, Sry4That +6, PinkMask -9, illyasviel21 +9, Kier +8, and 15 more...
Base +6, Skalinos +6, AnimeLov3rxXx +11, Bane13 +58, WHISKY99 +6, qwertzy12 -10, DrOctopus -6, OldManDinkleStein -6, 58569 +6, EsotericSatire +32, zalbard23 +6, Posteriorpepperoni +6, PinkMask -9, and 23 more...
Base +7, jake1237 +7, WHISKY99 +6, qwertzy12 -10, JDtheDoctor +6, BLT123 -13, OldManDinkleStein -6, zalbard23 +6, Orengestar +7, Posteriorpepperoni +6, Zweihandler +6, PinkMask -9, illyasviel21 +9, and 29 more...
Base +6, jason12052011 +7, bbcgod1 +4, king91 +10, Posteriorpepperoni +6, PinkMask +9, Bane13 +58, Gattai +6, Gaiadrill +10, Eziogilrean +6, kaisersword +9, Jin.H. +13, PepperoniFloyd +6, and 8 more...
Base +7, PinkMask -9, illyasviel21 +9, badcarrot -7, Jin.H. +13, Ransar +6, EmptyLine +6, Chyor +6
Base +6, PinkMask -9, illyasviel21 +9, Jin.H. +13, smeddy90 +6
Posted on 08 October 2023, 02:26 by:
Kuresai Score
Base +6, illyasviel21 +9, bbcgod1 +4, chaqueta_pajilla +6, EmptyLine +6, alphagear +6
Posted on 08 October 2023, 04:17 by:
Meikuumon Score
Base +6, NeoStriker +11, Scaddleblob +5, Gelato +6, EmptyLine +6, BronBron06 +7, Rob Anybody +6, sweetbutter_cupcake +6, Dorseen +8
Posted on 08 October 2023, 23:47 by:
allswell Score
Base +6, shadow0423 +6, Randomthrill +9, bgrim +14, bbcgod1 +4, Chyor -6, smeddy90 -6
Base +7, bgrim +14, bbcgod1 +4, theamazingwhale +1, Jin.H. +13, jbster -7, chaqueta_pajilla +6, Tatsuwindwolf +7, EmptyLine +6, Rauldelano -8, down360 +7, TheGuyWhoHailsHydra +6
Last edited on 10 October 2023, 05:48.
Base +4, bgrim -14, theamazingwhale -1, Eziogilrean +6, Waitugreat +39, NeoStriker +11, Jin.H. +13, Scaddleblob +5, chaqueta_pajilla +6, Mahiel +6, Tatsuwindwolf +7, shadowkazumanic +6, mjcrest +6, and 5 more...
Posted on 10 October 2023, 03:33 by:
Theseous Score
Base +7, bgrim +14, bbcgod1 +4, theamazingwhale +1, arthurbrown918 +14, MyOpinionIsRight +6, EmptyLine +6
Posted on 11 October 2023, 02:25 by:
FarkyMac Score
Base +8, Hecatoncheyr +6, bbcgod1 +4, theamazingwhale -1, Joypendant +6, EmptyLine +6
Base +7, bbcgod1 +4, theamazingwhale -1, Jin.H. +13, jbster +7, Posteriorpepperoni +6, Joypendant +6, direw +6, BLT123 -14
Posted on 11 October 2023, 10:26 by:
Travis51 Score
Base +6, zordon666 -6, DolphinFrall +6, Hecatoncheyr +6, Zeikfried +18, AGMlolz +21, Joypendant +6, BLT123 -14
Base +6, Greatful_monster +6, Bane13 +59, Soothingkiwi +9, DarkDZ +7, ResonateLife +6, EmptyLine +6, Jerck6 -6, spiketrigger -6, blahtyyyyy -6, TheGuyWhoHailsHydra +6
Posted on 04 February 2024, 08:36 by:
sukasak Score
Base +7, Zombie-Fraek -7, DaiMuGen -6, BLT123 -14, Joypendant +6, Gelato +6, ResonateLife +6, EmptyLine +6, Orangeuglad -6, shadowwall456 -7, granojo84 +6, MasieX -6, Rauldelano -8, and 22 more...
Posted on 04 February 2024, 13:21 by:
ovanossar Score
Base +7, BLT123 +14, Joypendant -6, Gelato -6, ResonateLife -6, EmptyLine -6, mdolizer +6, Orangeuglad +6, shadowwall456 +7, Katya Ilves +6, NevskyDrift +19, Aristoplato +10, JDtheDoctor -6, and 6 more...
Base +6, Rauldelano -8, ninjann123 +6, Aristoplato +10, JDtheDoctor -6, The_Minotaur +6, Jerck6 +6, Reddo -6, CancelledTuna +6, Greatness12 +6, blahtyyyyy +6, BigOOFF +6, hkronos +2
Posted on 07 April 2024, 17:20 by:
Eclissi Score
Base +7, CancelledTuna -6, Romi the Byzantine -8, Neckbreak86 +7, TheGuyWhoHailsHydra +6
Base +2, blahtyyyyy +6, shadow773 +9, Dr. Smegma -3, WHISKY99 -6, RedScare8 -6