Nice art, but it kind of felt a little too abusive for me. Seemed like they had a nice thing going, given they dated some before getting down, but then she brings in the other girl and threatens to blackmail him if he doesn't cooperate.
Base +11, BokuNoGf +6, slimedog +10, luzup +6, Not a Lion +6, onlyregistere -14, nyymiacco +6, Airotix +6, onigirichan +6, Hasenpfoti +8
002 OG: サークルで出会ってそれからなんやかんやで付き合うことになった TL: "We met at a club and somehow we ended up dating." ED: should probably clarify that it's not a nightclub
009 OG: 力つよ… TL: "It's strong... ED: it?
010 OG: 男の子でもちゃんとメスイキできるらしいし〜 TL: "I heard that boys can even have dry orgasms~" ED: she's not talking about dry orgasms here
011 OG: こらこら〜あんまり暴れないの〜 TL: "Hey, hey~ Don't get too violent~" ED: she's not talking about violence in this context
013 OG: いいってもう TL: "Cut it out." ED: he's not telling her to cut it out, he's insisting that things are fine
015 OG: いいねかわいいじゃん TL: "I like it, it's cute" ED: it?
018 OG: くっ… TL: "Damn it..." ED: this isn't a curse, just sfx for a grunt
OG: それにもし逃げたらこれまでのプレイの写真ばらまいちゃうよ? TL: "Besides, if you run away, I'll share the pics of our past plays, you know?" ED: "play" as a loan word does not carry the same connotation as it does in English
020 OG: うるさいお口は押しつぶしちゃうよ TL: "I'll crush your noisy mouth" ED: this is a very literal TL, she's not going to crush his mouth
024 OG: んんッ…んんッ… TL: N/A ED: erased text
028 OG: はい御開帳〜 TL: "Yes, the temple is open~" ED: aside from referring to Buddhist temple opening ceremonies 御開帳 has other meanings
031 OG: アイデアは出力すると新しいアイデアが浮かんでくるのって迷信じゃなかったんですね TL: "But it wasn't a superstition that new ideas come when they are ideas are printed out." ED: nonsensical TL