Pictures are individual frames of animated scenes in the game (extracted from the game files).
You can create a video of it with the following command and ffmpeg installed: Hiro1: ffmpeg -framerate 15 -i final%04d.jpg -c:v h264 -pix_fmt yuv420p Hiro1.mp4 Hiro2: ffmpeg -framerate 15 -i Hiro2-final-%d.png -c:v h264 -pix_fmt yuv420p Hiro2.mp4
If there is general interest for this kind of uploads, I can upload more animated scenes
i used the commands,but they cant create videos correcetly.Cmd said [image2 @ 000001a8c6181ac0] Could find no file with path 'final%04d.jpg' and index in the range 0-4 [in#0 @ 000001a8c61816c0] Error opening input: No such file or directory Error opening input file final%04d.jpg. Error opening input files: No such file or directory how can i solve it?uwu pls help me,thank u