Posted on 16 February 2024, 20:29 by:
keketin Score
Base +6, Prof. Tree +9, Draw99Gray +18, sohaiz +6, doncosciadipollo +10, kamisking +6, vacxy +6, breanyman +6, hawkloner +6, BlitzZ21 +6, greenpeace +15, Mastemo +8, Aristoplato +10, and 48 more...
Posted on 17 February 2024, 04:44 by:
erogal Score
Base +6, Beyond Imagination -6, Endorph -6, ohjadatzieterlekruit -6, obsever01 -6, EvilSanta -6, baneonplane -9, Stemare -6, Aristoplato -10, waffa_guy -7, civiulas +6, weeblord69 -6, CaptainFlint -6, and 41 more...
Base +6, as102 +13, weeblord69 +6, IamHe +6, Darknessend +7, onanimasu +8, Kacywang +6, Sadao Maou +13, faytT +7, RX620 -6, kafi +9, 44inf +6, pond39267 +6, and 16 more...
Posted on 22 February 2024, 18:54 by:
Blurglurg Score
Base +6, III11lIIl1IIlllIl1 +6, BFBK +6, SenpaiNM7 +6, Nofxex +6, SomeLazyDouche +7, Leo.E +16, Not Benedict +6, StatisticallyNP +12
Base +6, Demosthenes -15, nintendino -6, InMyDreamIWasAlmost -8, pkplat -14, ormestriker +6