Base +2, CORINSETI +6, 无情张先生 -5, gundam953109 +6, mizukei -6, 射司一场 +3, fzsky +8
Base +3, 无情张先生 +5, Allevis +5, Keith Feng -6, bigheissg -5, VK4502e -6, lunhui8 -6, HLYHLY201701 -6, No.A3 -6, xhp5r -6, ji1kai2lai3 +6, tommy_3099743259 -8, z2x4c6v8bnm -6, and 77 more...
Base +6, xhp5r -6, gzy97111 -6, LordJintian +6, 吾名逗比田 -4, bldbz +6, wlhkls +6, 柒柒w +4, SHIMOTSUKI_0623 -1, naiyuyu -2, the communism +4, s12312312 -7, poiuytrewqazx -30, and 37 more...
Last edited on 24 February 2024, 10:35.
Base +6, kongotea +6, 科学信仰者 +6, 必是月啊 +4, 258025ji +4, 222dd45 -6, prosheaven +6, LordJintian -6, 德玛西亚保佑我 +5, 喵酱pwp +6, ddssbbb +6, wlhkls -6, djh12138 +6, and 51 more...
Posted on 24 February 2024, 18:03 by:
sdq Score
Base +11, wlhkls -6, scandal1005 -6, marchell +6, LordJintian -6, boombearpow -6, pzlama333 -6, naiyuyu +2, the communism +4, s12312312 +7, h_l_123 -4, quaner999 +2, mizukei -6, and 16 more...
Base +6, naiyuyu -2, the communism -4, s12312312 -7, gcd321 -6, poiuytrewqazx -30, h_l_123 +4, quaner999 -2, mizukei +6, 射司一场 +3, pa1829504256 -6, No.A3 -6, kfhkfhwhj +2, and 30 more...
Posted on 25 February 2024, 11:18 by:
ruirh Score
Base +1, poiuytrewqazx -30, h_l_123 +4, quaner999 -2, mizukei +6, 射司一场 +3, pa1829504256 -6, No.A3 -6, wtear -6, aaa3380402 +6, slowww -3, fzsky -8, li331166 -2, and 28 more...
Posted on 27 February 2024, 11:00 by:
852456lin Score
Base +6, 唐维冒险 +4, aaa3380402 -6, slowww +3, 鄙人令狐献 +6, knknkwii +4, kana酱 +6, Chiki028 +6, fzsky +8, c瑞c +6, mochenwangqian +1, kikiwawu +2, Overflowspring +5, and 14 more...
Posted on 15 March 2024, 07:43 by:
lucf_ Score
Base +4, helenGMT+1 +5, 十四阁君 +6, 奈何镜浔 +3, ningnig +6, 白玉京种桃小道 -3, Sei10rou +7, 路仁青蛙 +4, zsc1145141998 +1, danzimu +4
Posted on 05 April 2024, 00:44 by:
执曙予你 Score
Base +6, iKleeeeeeeeeeeeeee +2, 白玉京种桃小道 -3, ningnig +6, Sei10rou +7, 路仁青蛙 +4, zsc1145141998 +1, danzimu +4
Base +1, kazmakingex +6, danzimu +4, POCNSINO +6, slowww +4