A complete collection of Hatoba Akane's works across Pixiv, Fanbox, and Twitter. They also have a Fantia, but so far it's just the same as Fanbox. If that changes, I'll update accordingly. The idea is to have one gallery that can cover everything. It's cleaner and more organized that way. This gallery does not contain any manga, because those series will have their own uploads for you to read on your own.
If you download the torrent, you will find that I've further organized the gallery's contents. Every filename contains the original upload date, website, franchise, and character. Going forward, I plan to update this gallery a couple of times a year.
TOUMA SENKI CECILIA READING ORDER: I originally thought of uploading a gallery of just Cecilia content as well, since it'd be easer for people to read. However, distinguishing what was Cecilia content and what wasn't became convoluted. Instead, if you download this torrent, Touma Senki Cecilia and original works have their own folder. Three non-canon stories are included here:
PLEASE SUPPORT THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR ON: Twitter: twitter.com/sunset_port Pixiv: pixiv.net/en/users/44674969 Fanbox: sunset-port.fanbox.cc Fantia: fantia.jp/fanclubs/495577