002 OG: 各車両に告ぐ!!現在X街道の北コンビニ強盗被疑者を追跡中! TL: "To all vehicles!! Currently, at the north of X Street, We are in pursuit of a suspect in a convenience store robbery!" ED: they aren't reporting their current location, they're describing the original location of the robbery
OG: 警戒中の署員は発見次第速やかに身柄を確保せよ!! TL: "The officer on guard should promptly apprehend the suspect upon discovery!" ED: there's more than one officer on alert
OG: くそッいきなり発砲するんじゃねえ!殺人鬼かてめえら!! TL: "Damn it, don't fire a shot out You murderers!!!!!" ED: he's not calling them murderers, it's a rhetorical question
OG: はぁー TL: "Uh huh" ED: this is panting
OG: ヘッ…どうにかまいたか… TL: "I think I've got it." ED: he's a bit more specific about what he's saying here, not "I've got it"
OG: 駒田源二45歳無職コンビニ強盗をしくじり逃走中 TL: "Kumada Genji, 45 years old, unemployed. Currently fleeing after a failed convenience store robbery" ED: Komada
003 OG: 店員め、包丁出せばビるかと思いきやいきなり殴りかかってきやがった… TL: "Damn waiter, I thought he would get scared if I pulled out a knife, but then he suddenly hit me" ED: he's not talking about a waiter
OG: 野蛮すぎだクソどもが世も末だな TL: "It's too barbaric, these fuckers." ED: missing second half of line
OG: 失敗してもムショまで取り立てはこねえだろ TL: "Even if I fail, I won't be sent to prison, so don't worry about it" ED: completely made up, he's talking about how things would go if he went to prison
004 OG: 昨日まで大会だったろ今日は休養日暇だから結衣のバイト先でも食おうかと思って TL: "Until yesterday, there was a tournament, right? Today is a rest day. Since I have free time, I'm thinking of having a meal or something at Yui's place" ED: specifically at her workplace