Pixiv:https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/116558270 苏利亚小姐身为骑士学院生徒会长却严重违反校规,学院决定将她公开处以绞刑。 犯人自愿被剥制成为标本,在档案馆的橱窗内展示,以儆效尤。 AI模型试验,过于血腥(超出本人舒适度上限),不喜切勿点击大图。 ---- As the student president of the Knight Academy, Miss Celia seriously violated school rules, so the academy decided to hang her in public. She volunteered to be taxidermied and displayed in the showcase as a warning to others. This is an AI model experiment, it’s too bloody, so don’t click to see large pics if you don’t like it.