Hope This one is better than the last... took me a while, if anyone see's any mistake, write a commend and i will try to correct it. Enjoy.
Fixed; Thanks Waitugreat
03 is I up Since don't have access to the japanese Raw, i need to machine translate the chinese or korean releases. Then sort the lines and rewrite the whole thing into somthing usable. But as all of you can see writing isn't really my thing.
Finally, I've figured out how to get ChatGPT off its guardrails. I hope that fixes my spelling and grammar.
Some little mistakes I saw while clicking through the pages: p7: shoud -> should p10: the train packed -> the train is packed p13, bottom right panel: "the feel of my Lady's butt" ... uh, I think it's one of the men saying this. Not that I want to assume genders. :---)
p16: "I only need too quietly" -> "I only need to be quiet" p18: "Did just Climax?" -> Did you just climax? p19: In the three small panels top right: personal pronoun "i" in lowercase instead of "I" p22: middle panel: "You so wet" -> You are so wet p22: middle panel: "your hole is desperate" ... not sure if desperate is the correct word or more "honest", kinda like "at least your hole is honest; it's sucking me in"
p22: bottom right panel: lowercase "i" p24: "Again and again, making orgasm" -> "making me orgasm"? p26: the e-mail: "you are forbidden do it with your husband" -> to do it p26: lowercase "i"
the Chinese translations don't really get any of these wrong for the record. telephone translations are already janky, but when you're not familiar with either language it gets even worse, unfortunately
002 OG: スマホを返してほしければ今から大塚井駅の東口改札に来い TL: "If you want your phone back, come to the Otsukai Station immediately." ED: a specific location at the station is given
OG: そ…そんな… TL: "How...? Why are you doing this?" ED: she is just shocked
004 OG: とにかくもう一度会ってなんとか… TL: "I need to go there, somehow, there must be a way out..." ED: she's not thinking about a way out
006 OG: 久しぶりにアナタと一緒に帰ろうと思って... TL: "I wanted to go home with you after work..." ED: missing her complete thought
007 OG: あれ?いないな TL: "Hmm?" ED: missing entire second half
OG: どっか行っちゃったみたいだね TL: "He's not there anymore." ED: he's making a speculative statement
009 OG: 幸恵はこんな満員電車久しぶりだろう? TL: "The train is packed! Lucky we got in, right Yukie?" ED: no mention of luck or fortune in the raw
010 OG: あなた… TL: "you..." ED: she's not saying "you"
OG: 私 TL: "Uhh" ED: this is the beginning of her sentence
012 OG: 奥さんの尻の感触忘れられなくてよ TL: "The shape of your butt is unforgettable." ED: he's not talking about shape
OG: サイコーだぜこの肉 TL: "Great, so much to grap[sic]." ED: he's not talking about the amount to "grap"
OG: あなたたち… TL: "Stop, please..." ED: she's not telling them to stop
OG: また触られたくなったんだろ奥さんも… TL: "Getting turned on again because someone is touching you..." ED: he's talking about what was compelling her
i will stick to cleaning and redrawing the chapters hope someone picks it up for translation... I thought i did somewhat ok.... but it seems AI might be passable at proofreading, but not much more. At least i get a bit of photoshop training.