002 OG: レースありましたっけ? TL: "Is there any which comes with stockings?" ED: it's more specific than stockings
OG: ブラでかくす TL: "Covered up" ED: specifically covering up with a bra
OG: なにか重ねる TL: "it felt a bit repetive[sic]" ED: are you just guessing here? or are you retranslating from another scanlation?
005 OG: いつもどおりのよく晴れた日 TL: "It's a nice sunny day with clear skies" ED: missing first part of line
006 OG: 毎日荷物を届けてもらっているうちにこうなったの TL: "It all started when he took advantage of me while delivering a package one day." ED: she's not talking about how it started
OG: こらこらはしたないですよ奥さん TL: "I nvere[sic] thought you would turn out to be such a pervert, ma'am!" ED: he's not talking about his expectations
008 OG: だから…だから私いつもすぐにイカされてしまうの…っ TL: "That's why... that's why I always end up getting fucked right away..." ED: she doesn't say she gets fucked right away
OG: ああっ…ダメえ♡今日もいいっすっごいイイ…っ♡♡ TL: "Ahhh...no way ♥ It feels so good today... It feels really good...♥♥" ED: missing detail も
OG: しまる…ビックビクきてますよォ奥さんッ!! TL: "Ahhh...it's all wrapped up inside, ma'am!!" ED: made up line
OG: イクんですか!?こんな玄関先で大マタ広げてっ!! TL: "Are you going to cum? Come on spread your body in front of the entrance like this!!" ED: spread your body?
OG: くは…いいしまりだ…っ! TL: "Hmph...that's it just like this.." ED: he's actually commenting about something here
OG: ドクドク出されてるのわかりますか!? TL: "Can you feel the excitment!?" ED: this is not what he's asking
010 OG: いつもタマまでねっとりしゃぶってくれるのに TL: "You are sucking me all the way down to my balls." ED: he's saying the exact opposite
OG: だめ…こんなの入れられたらどうなっちゃうの私… TL: "No way...what will happen if I get caught like this? I..." ED: she's not wondering about getting caught
OG: そう…いい子だ奥さん TL: "Alright...that was great, ma'am" ED: he's not saying "that was great"
OG: オラッ TL: "Oh my gosh!" ED: this interjection doesn't fit
011 OG: ああっ!すごっ…すごいィこれっ… TL: "Aaah! Amazing...I forgot that..." ED: there's no forgetting going on
OG: よがってないで教えてくださいよっ TL: "Please don't be upset just tell me." ED: he's not asking her to not be upset
OG: ああ…シーツから夫の匂い… TL: "Ah...this stench it smells like my husband's..." ED: she doesn't say stench
and so on
002 is there any which comes with stockings? 002 repetive 006 nvere 007 thru 007 he doesn't even pays any attention to me 007 come one 007 slutty wives dick taking pussy 008 excitment 009 I'll be going to fuck you a lot today 010 this stench it smells like my husband's