I feel like the pun at the beginning was translatable but putting that aside, there's a lot of missing detail or rewrites in the translation also a lot of erased text
003 OG: 行かなくていいの? TL: "Why won't you go there to check it?" ED: he's not asking why, he's asking if he should
004 OG: そういう事かぁー TL: "That was..." ED: this is a complete statement
OG: 使用済のヤツ TL: N/A ED: erased
005 OG: それまだそこにあるかな? TL: "Is it there yet?" ED: this makes no sense, he's wondering if it's still there
OG: 残ってる訳ねーだんべ TL: "And it's probably no[sic] there anymore" ED: this completely removes the regional dialect he's using
OG: かぁぁ… TL: N/A ED: erased
OG: かっ、かっ、 TL: *blush* *blush* ED: this is a stutter, not a blush
OG: お前コーフンし過ぎ! TL: "You're too nervous...!" ED: excited
006 OG: 店の前にポストみたいなのあんだろ? TL: "That thing that looks like a mailbox?" ED: missing detail, location. that's why the map marks the drugstore and not the vending machine
OG: いいか? TL: N/A ED: erased
OG: ゴクッ TL: N/A ED: erased sfx
008 OG: 真ん中のはくびれの所に蛇腹っぽいのがあるみたい TL: "The one on the below seems to be a narrow-like thing in the middle of the waist." ED: this doesn't make any sense, he's describing the ribbed shape of the middle ones
OG: なんかイボイボが新感覚って! TL: "For some reason, dotted condoms are in fashion." ED: completely made up, this is another remark about the texture being advertised
009 OG: いや、やっぱり左のシンプルなのにしよう TL: "No, we'll take the simplest one." ED: missing detail, the left one
OG: 多分あれがスタンダードな奴だと思うんだ TL: "Let's take the simplest condom." ED: he doesn't repeat himself from the previous panel, he's making an assumption here
OG: カネならどれでも足りるんじゃ… TL: "This is enough." ED: missing detail, he's saying there's enough money for either of them
OG: それに1コインで済む方が TL: "It will cost one coin." ED: this isn't about the price, it's about the convenience
OG: 買う時に慌てなくて安全だろ? TL: "It'd better to not panic when we're buying it." ED: this is related to the previous line, cause and effect
010 OG: ジャンケン負けた TL: "Lose in jakenpo." ED: this is rock-paper-scissors
011 OG: うん TL: N/A ED: erased
OG: はぁはぁ TL: "ah..." ED: this is panting
014 OG: 取ってこれなかったっ TL: "When the package falls." ED: completely made up...he's reporting what happened (or didn't happen)
015 OG: あとちょっとだったのに…っ TL: "If I had a little more time" ED: he's not talking about hypotheticals, he's talking about how close he was
OG: どうやって取って来たの? TL: "How did you..." ED: this is a complete question
OG: 気合いよー TL: N/A ED: erased
OG: 店のオヤジにすっげ―白い眼で見られたけどな TL: "The old man just gave me an empty look and back inside..." ED: not empty, there's a more negative connotation here
016 OG: そっか TL: "Yeah" ED: this is a realization after reading the instructions he's holding
OG: 靴下みたく丸めてあるんだ TL: "It's rolled like a socket" ED: this makes no sense, he's comparing the packaging to a rolled-up sock
017 OG: 着けるって… TL: "Okay, let's use it..." ED: he's repeating in disbelief, not agreeing
OG: 練習なら二人でする方がいいじゃん TL: "If we're going use it, let's do it together no?" ED: practice
018 OG: そんなすぐに出来る訳ねーじゃん! TL: "There's no way I'll get a hard-on" ED: missing detail, he's not saying he can't do it
OG: 説明書読み上げていくからな TL: "Do you want to read the manual for help?" ED: he's not asking if Ryota wants to read it
005 probably no there 006 the one on the below 009 these kind of condom 009 it'd better to not panic 010 lose in jakenpo 015 gave me an empty look and back inside
also it looks like you left some portuguese in
Base +38, Th3 Sl0th +6, isno +6, qawzsexdrcft +5, Ragione +6, e-Kei t. BLy +6, _Mary_ +6