Hello Ladies and Gents Zportyos Again here one of the commissioners from pixiv due to japanese censorship laws i will not post the commissioned content there but i can post it here without problems here both uncensored and free. please enjoy folks.
This Commissioned Artwork is Made By Sasaki(https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/11650382) Please Support Him and His works is pretty much appreciated Thank you!!. (This time this commission is non-naruto content.)
Backstory: “in 1500s warring states japan: in the dead of night a ninja was sent to infiltrate a japanese fortress that house a high ranking samurai soldier to be assasinated that was sleeping in her bed when the ninja sneakily goes to her bed and tried to stab her with a knife but noticed her senses evaded the thrust and grabbed her sword in the darkness she can see only the sillhouette of the ninja and fought in a duel until she got wounded more and more until she fell from the floor from bleeding and dying. as she is dying the ninja sliced chopped neck by his sword until it comes off her head but her head was in her last life moments of shock then her head finally goes blank dead the ninja took her head to his satchel and left. then went to his master showing the head of the assasinated samurai soldier and displayed as a warning to others. the next morning her headless corpse was found dead by her comrades and later given a funeral with special fluid that preserved her by embalmers then buried elsewere forgotten by time.”
What a stupid plot to get a female character killed at the fans expense, it's a logic of someone who likes porche 911, hey would you like to see porche 911 crushed and destroyed, no car person would never want that. No one who likes female characters would never want to see them to be killed off at their expense because it causes depression and sorrow and the fans will be feeling sad.