Base +6, thecronosone -7, Ijona -7, Fishy0 -6, ADIN0 -6, NitroX72 -6, codesin -7, ariedren -6, PokeDude490 -6, lady_Konata -8, sodmeva -6, albertzeb -6, Luuuk -6, and 26 more...
Posted on 26 March 2024, 22:13 by:
bahki Score
Base +6, Pairadix +6, wtfidonteven -6, F_O_G +6, ylchow +7, ADIN0 +6, Crian +6, rs-1472 +7, fireproofemu +6, PhantomDV +6, Duckator +6, anonnimoustache +7, PokeDude490 +6, and 74 more...
Base +7, onyxarmor +6, wtfidonteven -6, ADIN0 +6, Crian +6, rs-1472 +7, varib +5, Beddhist +18, jason12052011 +7, sodmeva +6, albertzeb +6, Luuuk +6, Pairadix +6, and 33 more...
Posted on 27 March 2024, 00:15 by:
Roseanna Score
Base +7, ADIN0 +6, Crian +6, rs-1472 +7, jason12052011 +7, sodmeva +6, albertzeb +6, Luuuk +6, shrinkos +7, Thranos +7, ShiningBlade +6, cukrownik +8, thewax21 +6, and 12 more...
Base +19, Thranos +7, Vivi1993 +22, Ace Futs +14, Trauthelm +6, YuriGodess +6, overtheriver565 +6, MaxMach +7, demothenes +6, MorTho123 +6, daicalun07 +6, fireproofemu +6, aatroxnerfer +5
Posted on 29 March 2024, 03:30 by:
Reize1 Score
Base +13, poteon +6, demothenes +6, dennismenace1 +5, MorTho123 +6, F_O_G +6, aatroxnerfer +5
Posted on 05 May 2024, 16:15 by:
Arachia Score
Base +6, Krocs -6, lsamu -6, AfroHead -6, aatroxnerfer -5