Base +6, P-dog +8, reziak +6, memyselfandI +6, as102 +13, Fills +6, mojomaniac487 +6, Sturmjager +17, Shardshatter +6, The14thNoah +12, Smasher7 +6, GibbyrAltar +4, pecuttle +8, and 10 more...
Base +6, as102 +13, H76NVa +6, mojomaniac487 +6, Shardshatter +6, The14thNoah +12, Nonamewalker +6, Smasher7 +6, GibbyrAltar +4, pecuttle +8, Pf105 +6, firestoneishot +6, cm4000 +6, and 4 more...
Base +8, memyselfandI +6, as102 +13, mineland +6, Narc +6, mojomaniac487 +6, Shardshatter +6, The14thNoah +12, manzhao +13, Smasher7 +6, Oiyashi +6, Alurker +6, GibbyrAltar +4, and 7 more...
Posted on 04 April 2024, 16:31 by:
Gingura Score
Base +6, mojomaniac487 +6, PK Atomsk +10, Sturmjager +17, The14thNoah +12, Smasher7 +6, GibbyrAltar +4, pecuttle +8, Pf105 +6, cm4000 +6, ecchisama +8, OffOrEven +4
Base +8, mojomaniac487 +6, Smasher7 +6, Alurker +6, pecuttle +8, cm4000 +6, ecchisama +8, OffOrEven +4
Posted on 12 August 2024, 11:52 by:
Bfreedle Score
Base +6
Base +5, mojomaniac487 +6