翻译自/g/2875390/0c26cadbc9/,图源来自https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/choco_mint_radio 感谢Reddit的图源和首个英译本,以及站内同好搬运分享,更要感谢Reddit和dynasty-scans.com的高清图源。嵌字第一次尝试手机端的美图秀秀,效果居然还行,有和英译本相近的字体实在是意外之喜。作为342g厨能翻译君野朋成老师的本子实在是太幸运了,从本子发布的2017.12.31到英译本上传的2020.7,到e站的uploader:NickyMacker今年的2月份上传,再到个人翻译完成的4月初,历时6年有余,这漫长的6年是bangdream连接了创作者、翻译者和阅读者,实在是有些许感慨。 Thanks to the Garupa fellows from Reddit, it is that you selflessly upload the English version that make my translation become possible. Thanks to the high solution scans from dynasty-scans.com.Also thanks the upload from ehentai.I must show my sincere gratitude to all of you, although maybe most of you no longer play or pay attention on Garupa; but your selfless work and labor indeed connect with us and give me motivation to translate.