head empty Translation: scav Proofreading, QC: cutegyaru Editing: Nick "Zorb" Cage
Click on the banner to go to our forum page! Discord: http://cum.pog.moe/ or discord.gg/weh or discord.gg/mZBAyhRRTU JP scan: /g/2881365/b434490600/ Textless + PSD: /g/2881366/c8450d9c78/
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Debanded with imbatch, denoised and smoothened with a python script https://git.coom.tech/perk/Scanfixer/src/branch/master/scanfixer.py and then once again with a Bendel Halftone model in chainner.
I was expecting this to be an accidental meeting that would lead to guilty sexytimes based on the first page. Then when she pounced on him, I thought maybe she was acting as a test to catch the boyfriends that lacked the commitment to remain faithful. Wrong on both counts, she was just a whore that found a new John. They barely even mentioned the girlfriend.