Summary: This exciting story involves the landing of a nuclear missile, codenamed "Nuclear Warhead," in the North. Nuclear Warhead's' 69th mission is to subjugate a wealthy South Korean family's daughter! However, due to an accident during his mission, he unexpectedly loses his memory. "How do I use this enormous weapon to win over the hearts of South Korean women? What was it again?" he finds himself wondering now. Will he be able to finish his mission successfully?
The small dick energy the author shows off in the first pages is so cringe, I can't even continue reading due to second-hand shame. Just how insecure can koreans be about their dick size?
@CravensEye I would have to disagree with you on that. This series seems to be going for an over the top comedy vibe, as opposed the incel revenge fantasy/persecution complex combo that so many porn manhwa seem to have.