The story follows a priest who seeks out an angel of lust to resurrect his dead sister. The angel agrees, but corrupts the sister into a monstrous form.
It would have been better to get a glimpse of the sister before her corruption. The before + after and seeing what's in the middle is most of the fun of the corruption genre. I kinda would have preferred also for the brother to be corrupted into a big muscular tentacle monster hybrid rather than be killed. ...Also the guy was 100% vindicated in keeping his sister protected and sheltered as apparently this world has literal lovecraftian monsters around.
Noted There will be more comics coming, new characters being corrupted and taking different forms , the biology of each monster explained also 'big muscular tentacle monster hybrid' on the way. Thank you for sharing your opinion, it really helps me a lot.
The problem with this is that there's not enough in the actual corruption and transformation, and the rest is just, well, torture porn. Also, making the church cartoonishly evil doesn't really work when the PROTAGS are also cartoonishly evil. It comes across as a Garth Ennisian bit.
As commenters said, great first upload, but I'd love to see her before the transformation and the transformation progress itself. Art itself is superb, great job.