This Gallery is organized by newest to oldest. The Torrent will be organized in folders by year and month. This is also my first time making a torrent so if I made a mistake, my bad.
@AceTheChicken open Torrent Download of the gallery, on the bottom is written tracker info,, you should paste it into Trackers field when you're creating the torrent file. then uploading created .torrent file via form on the bottom, site returns it back modified, you're opening it and choosing the location of your folders. So, 2 typical errors: 1) forgetting to paste the tracker, so people can't find Seeds 2) forgetting to choose folders / files location, so you aren't Seeding, as torrent client can't find your files / folders
I'd download the gallery and make it right, but all folder structure will be lost, so I'll wait for some time - maybe the uploader will fix it.