Lol really he just blackmailed her with photo how she fucked by her husband? So she is so ashamed that she have sex with her husband if everyone know that she gonna be doomed well she have no choice better have cheating sex than sex with husband) Like hell oh no if people know that i have sex with my husband my life is over so i dont have choice bang me oji-san i ready to become your sex slave just dont tell anyone that i have sex with my husband) Well after i see blackmail with photo how bf hold hands with gf i think its cant be worse but nope this author rub his plot on my face and prove me i am wrong) Btw what if she say no to ugly bastard? Did he just have proof that he is stalker who are peeping? Did he is the one who get his life over so bassicly cheating hoe saved ugly bastard from law?) Just imagine what if ugly bastard send this photo to her parents? Next day its gonna be like this?: Mom dad what are doing here?: What daughter we raise? How you dare have sex with your husband? What if you get pregnant? You know how many lonely ugly bastards waiting to impregnate you? Be ashamed as your parents we have no choice.......Ugly bastard come in: Nice to meet you toy i am Ugly Bastard-san.And parents like: See now be a good girl lie down spread your legs and let this nice uncle breed you)