Show less Disclaimer 1: All models and characters provided in every gallery available in this post and on this page are fictional works of art simulating characters that are over 18 years of age or older.
Disclaimer 2: The files and images contained in this gallery and post are sexually oriented adult material intended for individuals 18 years of age or older. If you are not yet 18, if adult material offends you, or if you are accessing this site from any country or locale where adult material is prohibited by law, leave immediately.
Disclaimer 3: All art is done in parody. Breakwater Ridge is in no way affiliated with any of the original source materials.
Howdy lads!! yeah im on a Helen spree.... if you don't like it.... FITE ME?!?
Been an eventful few weeks over here, we got absolutely destroyed by ungodly amounts of rain, we got 6 months worth in like 3 days it was pretty hectic! some power outages but nothign too bad!
Had to do a ton of driving the last few days aswell so that has been a super drag, but im back home now working on azula comic! hopefully itll come through smoothly and ill have something for you guys next week!
So Helen!!
I got the inspiration for the idea from *drum roll* Angela white!!
The older woman in a schoolgirl outfit kinda stuck in my mind and then i mocked up Helen into the fit and was like OH HELLL YESSS THIS IS GONNA HAPPEN!
And then it did :3
I decided to add slow zoom animations to photosets! just the slow zoom style you guys saw last month, they seem to be well liked and because of the minimal movements theyre not as taxing to build! so i hope you guys like this set! it took roughly about a week to build so yeah!