Posted on 24 December 2019, 03:22 by:
madrhyma Score
Base +6, TheCrimsonShotaLover +15, Dawnell_do +1, Goblin_Slayer_Jr. -11, temporaryary +6, fectylf-panda +4, Void161 -4, Person17 +6, Vauban +8, Wolfragnium +8, bachelorettefrog +6, OtleChip +6, Yatamomo +6, and 9 more...
Base +6, vivojkl +2, robertsaltin -7, manofawsome +7, Goblin_Slayer_Jr. +11, temporaryary -6, fectylf-panda +4, 3xiled +6, invalidwords +9, Void161 +4, shitbitch94 -6, Person17 -6, isno -6, and 26 more...
Posted on 02 January 2020, 18:10 by:
anv587 Score
Base +6, vivojkl +2, yjy1581071769 +2, RTJNMB +1, Dracay -7, Chi-tsu +3, GDZJR +4, 你妈没了 +1, maoshallie +4, Person17 -6, ug219 +6, sex life +3, hk1881818 +6, and 2 more...
Posted on 05 January 2020, 17:57 by:
tonyxxx Score
Base +7, temporaryary +6, MamaWeegee +6, SecretiveGamer +13, fectylf-panda +4, Unst99 +12, shitbitch94 +6, TheCrimsonShotaLover +15, robertsaltin +7, Hawlc +6, Person17 +6, Dawnell_do +1, Yatamomo +6, and 8 more...
Posted on 11 January 2020, 19:48 by:
AB007BA Score
Base +8, RTJNMB -1, Dracay -7, justlookingforporn -6, a40547646 +6, 天天吃饭 +3, Person17 -6, ug219 +6, adviceuchiha +5, 隆基努斯 +6, TheRealNiP -5
Base +5, justlookingforporn -6, 11woswosad -12, a40547646 +6, ztvu -6, klkanade +6, 无敌的一切 +5, Aidan Pierce +1, maoshallie +4, 6113383 +6, nieweiyuan7 -6, mr.doomday -6, Chennies +4, and 18 more...
Posted on 30 April 2020, 03:18 by:
Base +1, mr.doomday -6, Chennies +4, 天天吃饭 +3, ug219 +6, Person17 -6, gncode +6, TheRealNiP -5
Base +6, chichivalry +3, Hawlc +6, temporaryary +6, StormofGreed +6, baadar +7, Daisuke Mizugawa +6, Dawnell_do +1, Person17 +6, megaok +7, Unst99 +12, bachelorettefrog +6, Vass +6, and 20 more...
Posted on 02 May 2020, 15:02 by:
kerespup Score
Base +6, Person17 -6, Hawlc -6, bo0top -4, bachelorettefrog +6, Yatamomo +6, QwertyM69 +3, caveman84 -6, megasean3000 +8, CreeperClaw +8, Masterzero +6
Posted on 04 June 2020, 00:17 by:
namtaru Score
Base +6, Person17 +6, Maciste -6, bachelorettefrog +6, Batty4588 +4, Botos +7, churnip +6, QwertyM69 +3, TheGentialBarber +1
Posted on 22 June 2020, 08:12 by:
Kriskee_ Score
Base +5, Person17 -6, ug219 +6, kekelili801 -5, TheRealNiP -5
Posted on 02 July 2020, 02:34 by:
acgs Score
Base +6, Person17 -6, ug219 +6, moang2 +4, deep101dark +5, l1254916239 -5, rodeman +6, zxcpanda310 -4, dududude -9, SakumaRitsu +2, ai_lost +7, WL01993481 +10, nm9h -6, and 4 more...
Posted on 06 November 2020, 14:41 by:
zzfrmb Score
Base +6, rodeman -6, 周一的叶子 -6, level27 -10, sephiroth2018 -6, caaot -6, the silly black -6, Person17 -6, gc4q -5, SakumaRitsu -2, trp12306 -1, 虚无摘星辰 -6, ai_lost -7, and 11 more...
Base +3, JKRD +6, itsybitsyblitzkrieg +7
Posted on 02 June 2021, 16:46 by:
lieil Score
Base +1, TheRealNiP -5
Posted on 04 September 2021, 21:12 by:
Roboshi Score
Base +7, dududude +9, OJC +6, Person17 +6, VJEmmie +6, Bookrat15 +6, Ihds +6, Kiranta +6, Articc +6, Johnnyrockmax +6, anakaris -6, The Pacifist +21
Posted on 04 November 2021, 09:56 by:
Base +6, 隆基努斯 +6, TheRealNiP -5
Posted on 08 February 2022, 19:26 by:
Domino_X Score
Base +6, isno +6, paryo +6, TheCrimsonShotaLover +18, Johnnyrockmax +6, Person17 +6, Thewaifuking +6, anakaris +6, ShepardFOX +6, LunalaTranslations +11, Bookrat15 +6, TheRealNiP +5, Jenkitsune +10, and 1 more...
Posted on 05 October 2022, 18:09 by:
Alie18 Score
Base +2, TheRealNiP -5
Posted on 29 May 2023, 01:15 by:
AO537 Score
Base +2, dexman95 -6, Biggiebig2k2 -7, LurkusPocus -6, qoppaphi -6, The Inker -8, isno -6, TheRealNiP -5, Jenkitsune -10, megasean3000 -8, fabiopenz -6, Dex55 -6
Base +7, Bookrat15 -6, CreeperClaw +9, Somenamelessasshat -7, Jenkitsune +10