A compilation of the current six chapters of Shinobi no Bi by Koyanagi Royal. It has been compiled so that people can have a more convenient time reading this h-manga.
Whatever happened to Royal Koyanagi? One of the Greatest Hentai Artist that is now vanished...I'm sad, so many Top-Tier Hentai Artists of the Past are now either no longer producing anything new, barely anything at all, or else many of the current works are just not what it once was.
Koyanagi Royal, Kisaragi Gunma (<- Literally dropped hentai all together...so sad), Redlight, Mogudan, Ohtomo Takuji, Kishizuka Kenji, Oda Non, Mizyuryu Kei, Izayoi Seishin, Miyabi Tsuzuru, Terunyo, Karma Tatsuro, Distance, Sano Toshihide, Yojouhan Shobou, Aoi Nagisa, Pija, Tuna-Empire, BlackDog, Kaiten Sommelier, Sanbun Kyoden (More recent works, but not as good as they once were. Sayuki-No Seto imo is still Sanbun's greatest work imo), Takasugi Kou (similar to Sanbun's situation imo), MTSP/JIN <---- Seriously, where is this person? Rumors of passing during Covid, but nothing concrete...Honestly, the list goes on and on.
I remember when every month was like a Hentai fans dream, with so many of the artists I just listed putting out work after work per month, and if you didn't get them all, you got a good collection of them from the list putting something new and amazing, and it was great see what was going to come next, or the next chapter of an ongoing excellent series.
Thanks for posting this, and reminding me of the legendary hentai days.