>ou may want to check the generated content and see if the generated dick"girls" are shemale or actual futanari. On page 23 it looks like the dickgirl is a Futanari: /s/c92c560386/2915892-23 But on page 27 it's a shemale: /s/3cde785f28/2915892-27
I'm just going give a 0.5 rating to every retard that uploads an AI shemale gallery and calls it futanari, or better yet """futa""". Get fucked you dishonest retard.
What would that hetero entail? There is a nude variant version where she's female on my patreon, plus a bunch of other images for download! hahah This was supposed to be a futa with vagina too but i forgot to change the last scene heheh