Well, now that it's clear you're continuing this kind of thing...there is ONE other I have in mind that I pretty much gave up on having translated long ago but I always thought would be amazing: /g/1235583/b8437e0b65/
It's a little longer than most of what you put up so far so I understand if you don't want to.
Love it when Akahito stuff gets translated! I agree with TheOneWhoSees, I'd love to see that Zawa piece translated. And other vore galleries as well. Keep up the great work!
Hey, just wanted to thank you again for taking on my suggestions. These were great.
Another little goldmine for when you've got time is the artist rux. Almost nothing of theirs has been translated, only one gallery so far it seems. Prioritize others' requests though. I'm simply suggesting things for your backlog when you're bored. ^_^