Upon investigating strange activity within a supposed abandoned facility, Claire Redfield finds out plans of a new Tyrant project. But hearing a second set of footsteps made her pause. She came to this place alone and again the place is supposed to be abandoned. Claire took hold of her revolver, stepping back to the hall to find a lone figure standing at the other side, completely silent...But before she could do anything, the masked soldier suddenly sprang into action. That was the last location Claire was known to have been, authorities having found the motorcycle that belonged to her in the facility's abandoned parking lot. The search came up nothing.
Days later, those who are associated with Claire are given a simple message containing photos and an address.
"Come by yourselves, tell no one else, or we will do much more to Ms. Redfield."
What will our heroes do?
------- Hey, a new Resident Evil textless comic! On DAZ no less!
Yep, decided to try out an idea of a Tyrant that despite a smaller frame is essentially a combination of Chris, Leon, Wesker, Krauser, HUNK, etc. But yes, there is that good ole body horror aspect...In the most unexpected places! I also added essentially the same story but with Claire in a classic costume! Enjoy!
Note: Due to issues posting on Pixiv, I decided to post my latest work here! It's...Probably not the best but hope to please!